a confusing sight

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

i had not had any birds at the feeder all morning. I stood at the window, and low and behold, a big hawk in the crepe mertle.What cought my attention, was the fact that a mocking bird was sitting RIGHT by his head. The bird would not leave, from right in the eyeball of the hawk. I walked outside to check this out, and try for more pictures. The hawk moved to another branch and darned if there were not only the mockingbird, but cardinals sitting right around the hawk. I just have never seen behavior like that. Thought all birds at any size were afraid of them. What WAS making a noise I have never heard, was the squirrels. It wasnt their usual kinda yelling at each other...it was much more of a cry. They were very happy when the neightbor came out and made him fly away.

Marlton, NJ

Probably a Red Tail Hawk. My birds are never bothered by them since they usually go after squirrels, rabbits, possum etc.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

i will have a picture up soon I hope. It was not the red shouldered hawk I had posted earlier. Im enjoying learning of different kinds of hawks. I never really noticed more than one or two,or so I thought. Interesting.

Marlton, NJ

Not Red Shouldered but Red Tailed.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Exactlly. The one I posted before, was a red shouldered ( or I thought that is what resin called it). This one was different, so I was saying you are probably right on the money with that ID. Hopefully I didnt jumble that too lol

the red shouldered hawk had a much bigger face.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2007 3:50 PM

Marlton, NJ

No sorry, I was confused. Most of my Red Tails stay pretty high in the trees till they dive down for a squirrel. I really enjoy seeing them and all the feeder birds stay put unless they come down to eye level.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

cant wait till i cant find my camera cord so we can see what it is. coopers is the only other choice I know of around here.

Marlton, NJ

Coopers will make my feeders birds fly away SO FAST; I'd be really surprised if that were it. Can't wait to solve the mystery.

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