Ziza aurea or aptera

Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have a lot of fennel, Foeniculum vulgare, growing in my garden as a host plant for the larval stage of the swallowtail butterfly. It is listed invasive in "Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants". The suggested alternative is Golden Alexanders, Ziza aurea or Ziza aptera. I looked it up in DG Plant files and see Equil has an entry saying some parts of this plant (aurea) are poisonous. Is this a good choice or will this be another problem? I currently have the fennel growing in or near a herb garden so poisonous is not the best of choices. Anyone have thoughts on these plants?

I added the photo but I did not create the entry or fill in the details. Zizia aurea is poisonous though although we're not talking in the league of Conium maculatum.

The PlantFiles can't possibly go into detail regarding exactly how poisonous a plant is or isn't.

Planting Golden Alexanders would be just fine for you. For what it's worth, I have Conium maculatum planted here. No dead critters in sight but they are teaming with critters when in bloom.

To the best of my knowledge, your fennel or anything else growing in proximity to even a plant such as Conium maculatum would be perfectly fine. Now, I'm not saying that your fennel would be fine in the presence of an allelopathic plant but poisonous would be no problem. Many plants are poisonous.

Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

I want to replace the fennel, what I'm worried about is the proximity of a poisonous plant near herbs I would pick to eat.

Not a problem. No information out there suggesting otherwise that I can locate and I am convinced something like that would have popped up somewhere in the first five pages of a search engine. Appears your herb garden is safe from Golden Alexanders or Water Hemlock. So much so that you could companion plant them side by side if you so desired and still use the herbs for human consumption.

Peoria, IL

Its quite common for caterpillar host plants to be poisonous, its how the caterpillars defend themselves from predators.

Often times plants are listed as poisionous, but in reality you would have to eat a ton of them or have a concentrated dose to make you sick. It can cause vomiting but I think you would have to eat alot of it before it would and I doubt you could ever eat enough of it to kill you, because you would vomit first.

I would not hesistate ot grow golden alexanders next to anything that I was eating.

Native americans used the plant as medecine. Quite frequently medicinal plants are considered poisonous, its the dose that makes the poison.

Northern, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks Equil and joepyeweed.

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