
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Opps wrong flower

Thumbnail by phicks
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I should say so, but it sure is pretty!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Great pic of whatever it is.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

am brug

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Get out!!! Which is it? And does it smell as good as it looks??? I am determined to get a bloom this season. After 3 years of doing battle with aphids and their buddies, I deserve one!!!

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

It's a Pink suaveolens. Has a real nice fragrance sort of like a violet. I have all differnt types blooming now. paul

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Must be wonderful! Aside from Logee's, I've only ever seed blooms at JRush's house. She has a Species that just knocks my socks off! I can't even imagine having one of my very own. I see you actually holding the bloom and Iim green with envy!

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