Tea Olive at Pike's Wholesale Marietta

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Hey Ga gardeners,

I just picked up a 15 gallon Tea Olive (about 4 ft tall) for 40.00 at the wholesale sale at Pike's. They had about 5 left if anyone else is interested! I wanted 2 of them soooo bad (one for each side of the porch) but DH just gave me that "why would you want more than one of a plant?" look. Also, they had knock out roses in Cherry Red for 10.00 each.

Also, at the Towne Lake Pike's they have those nice big window boxes (plastic, taupe color) and HUGE pots with saucers on sale really cheap, along with clay pots. I got a 30 gallon pot with saucer for 8.00. They also have the 3 gallon Daphne's for only 11.99 in varigated and greenleaf.

I can't believe I got a Tea Olive and a Daphne in the SAME day. I'm ecstatic!!

Just wanted to share the opportunity to get some great plants with you guys n' gals.


Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

ooh - I remember getting the email from them about the wholesale nursery sale and then forgot to go! It was only for Saturday and Sunday. And I even have a Christmas gift card from a sweet neighbor!!!

You did well with a big tea olive AND a big daphne. Maybe I'll get out to the one in my neighborhood today. Or not - I still have too many things still in pots... but I am still clearing ivy so I'll have more shade garden...

I just bought 4 (FOUR!!) edgeworthia for $12.50 each at the hardware store. (?) These are hugely expensive plants but the fellow said I could have them for $12.50 each as they had lost their leaves and 'didn't look so good'. My buy of the century!

Good for you!

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Sterling, they still had a LOT of stuff left, you might give them a call and see if they are extending it perhaps? I'll need to bend your ear on Daphne cuttings after I read up on everything you wrote on the other thread.

I'm putting the tea olive in the 30 gallon planter on the south-facing front porch - if we move again (as we do quite often), I'm not leaving that baby behind!!

Edgeworthia....just read about it - You GO!!! It's beautiful! I'm a fool for fragrant plants. However, DH keeps saying to me "Um, when is enough enough honey?" He doesn't have any hobbies or collect anything, so it's hard to explain that there will probably always be a plant that I'm looking for :/ I don't think I could cajole him into one more plant right now, so maybe if you get a cutting from one in the future I can trade with you for something else later on?

Great find - may they grow healthily, profusely and bring you oodles of pleasure Sterling!


Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I tried daphne two different times at our old place and lost both. What's the secret to keeping these? They seemed to really like the Boston area so I wonder if it is our heat that does them in.

I just bought the contorted filbert (corylus contorta) and black elderberry (sambucus nigra 'Eva' aka 'Black Lace') at Hastings last weekend. They had 20% off but the filbert was a little on the high side but I'm not sure what is a good price. I wish it was April now to get growing.

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