Submitted Clivia Miniata pic

I feel so bad that I am such an idiot.

I took a wonderful picture ( I thought) of my Clivia Miniata in bloom, yesterday. All I wanted to do was add the picture to the list of those same pics in Plant Files.

Instead, I think I tried to enter it as a whole new plant classification. oh boy

Now, I don't know what to do.

I found the place, since then, where you can add your own pic to an already existing entry, and now know that's the way I should have done it.

Please....any suggestions for me, on how to straighten this out? I really do want this picture added to plant files, if I haven't messed up things too badly, already.

Heres the pic I'm referring to:


Thumbnail by Sashagirl
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Deanna, since you know how to post pics for the existing entries now, I would go ahead and do that with your picture, no reason to wait. I think it's easier for the admins if you submit the pic again under the correct plant than it is for them to try and move it from the wrong entry to the right one (I'm not even sure if that's possible for them to do).

As far as the plant you entered in error, one of the PF admins may see your message on this thread and take care of things, but you can also go to the mistaken entry you made in Plant Files, and find the link that says "report an error", and in the message box that comes up, explain that you put the entry in by mistake and ask them to delete it, and someone will take care of it for you. If you can't find your entry searching through Plant Files, you can go to the "My Info" link in the top menu, then scroll down to where it says "DeannaV's contributions", then click on where it says Plants, and that'll take you to a list of any entries you've added to PF, click on the mistake plant, and that will take you to the entry.

Thanks Ecrane!!
I will do that right now!

Thumbnail by Sashagirl
Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi DeannaV,

Your photo has been moved and will be released on the correct entry located here

Thanks for the entry.

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