fuchsia procumbens

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)


I have been looking for this particular fuchsia for years.... Nobody has ever even seen it.

Anybody got it, or know where I can order one?
I'll be grateful for ever!!!!


Below is the PlantFiles entry for F. procumbens, if you look just above the name in the white space there are two eyes and text that states 2 vendors have the plant. If you click on the text it will take you to PlantScout where you can find the addresses of the vendors.


Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you Baa, but no luck here... They say they have the plant, but I searched their website, and it isn't there....

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You should keep checking the websites--I've found with some mail order places the selection changes throughout the year, so something that they don't have now they may get back in stock later in the year (this time of year tends to be the low point as far as availability of anything, so give it a few months and they may have them back again!) Some websites will still list the plant even if it's out of stock, but I know at least with Forest Farm I've seen plants disappear completely from their website, then when they get them in stock again later they reappear. You can also go into Garden Watchdog, and you can look there for nurseries that carry fuchsia's--that'll give you a long list of nurseries that you can browse through although you'll have to go through each website individually and search for the specific plant you want.

I also think I may have seen it at a local nursery--most likely Berkeley Horticultural Nursery, I'm there all the time and I know they have many different types of fuchsias. Might want to call before you go though in case I'm remembering wrong or they don't have it in stock this time of year. Magic Gardens in Berkeley usually carries quite a few fuchsias also so you might call them too.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Looks like Mostly Natives in Tomales has them (may want to check before you go just to make sure they still have them)

And Joy Creek has them mail order

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I saw it in the East Bay too, Ecrane. I've never been to Magic Gardens, so it was either at Berkeley Hort or East Bay Nursery. I've also seen it in Sonoma County, maybe at Emerisa, but they're closed for the season until March or April. I was with Begoniacrazii when she bought one, so I'll ask her to post in this thread.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Seems to me it was one of those nurseries Zuzu (EB or BH). The one I'm wanting to buy is the variegated one from Berkeley Hort. They don't sell the variegated one, but have it in their display.

Thumbnail by begoniacrazii
Marin, CA(Zone 9b)


I googled the variegated one, and found it!!!!

thank you for your help,
Begoniacrazii; hope you can get yours here!


Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm sure you could buy it locally, Christie. I don't really trust Heronswood now that it's changed hands. I think DrDon bought some when he was here last summer. I'll ask him the next time I talk to him. I'm pretty sure it was being sold last year at one or two nurseries in Santa Rosa.

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

Zuzie, I think we might have seen it at Kings. But you're right we did see it in SR. It might have been at Emerisa too. Wish I could switch my brain to 'ON' and recall where we saw it.

I second the Heronswood sentiment. They were bought out by a corporate nursery and no longer have the same rep that they once did. Sad.

If you order it Mrs_C, please let me know how it looks.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I agree about the cautions on Heronswood--it was a very ugly situation what happened with Burpee buying them and then closing them and moving everything to PA (If you want to hear the story in all its ugliness, look for the threads from last year on the Trees & Shrubs forum and the Pac. Northwest forum). I would take a real close look at the Watchdog entries starting in the fall after the move--Heronswood used to have a stellar reputation, but most of the ratings since they moved to PA have been negative so definitely buyer beware!

Marin, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you all; I was almost ready to pull the trigger on these beauties!
One question before I try it anyhow; are these fuchsias resistant to the gallmites that got all my other fuchsias? Anybody know?

Thank you, Christie

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

No personal experience, but according to the NW Fuchsia Society they're resistant (but not immune)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I remembered seeing seeds for this one one ebay. I'm off to check if they are still there.
:) Donna

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Here is a link to them:


Also I checked my seed list and I do have some seeds for this. No wonder it looked so familiar....lol. Christie I can trade you a few seeds if you are interested.

:) Donna

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