what kind is this..and this.. :)

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

This one is a fluffy yellow one with green leaves and red speckles in the center of the flower. It is about 3-4 feet and doesn`t get very tall. I think it is "something" but not sure what. It makes lots and lots of seeds. One seedpod had nine seeds in it. It makes like 8 or more seeds per pod and the stalks fall over from the weight.

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

This is another I have been wondering about because I can`t remember if it is one of the seedlings with the marabouts or not. Some of the marabout seedlings look a little diferent from each other.

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Another close up. This one makes a few seeds but not at all like the yellow one.

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

The peach one got tall for the first year and reached about 5-6 feet.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Sorry can't help with a name but they are all very nice!

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks! I`m kinda wondering if the peach is City of Portland? It doesn`t look like all the pictures I find but I think there are several kinds of these that are named City of Portland.

I`m not sure but I`ll let it grow more next year and check back later if noone has a good guess on these yet.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

looks like marabout Paul

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Here is the Marabout Abutilon posted.


Here is one of the seedlings from some Marabout seeds I planted. The peach one looks fuller and "fancier" than this one. I have about 3 others I haven`t seen the blooms yet because I plated these late and will have to wait until they come back.

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

This is a close up of the first flower on the Marabout seedling.

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Thats really nice,gardener.Do they come in different shades?I have some marabout seedlings also....haven't flowered as yet,and thought they only came in orange.Can't wait for mine to flower now!

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I believe the Marabouts breed true from seeds. But these I`m not so sure. I`ll know more about what is going on next year. So I might have some seeds from Marabout and some not or maybe they were crosspollinated with other cannas or something?

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