seedling canna

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Here is a canna I grew from seed last summer. It has bright red flowers,green leaves with burgundy edge,burgundy stems and burgundy seedpods. It grew to about 3 or 4 feet and isn`t very big. I liked it. What species canna does his most resemble you think?

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I kind of liked the smaller size, slender look and the way the blooms cleaned themselves and then the burgundy seedpods look nice. I`m not really sure about the size because it could get bigger next year.

Thumbnail by gardener2005
Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)


Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

Spritz. That is cool.

My husband brought me these seeds off some that were gigantic 12-15 footers...and these guys are little next to that. We will see if that changes next year. This one has some brothers and sisters I`m waiting on to bloom next year. When I sprouted them 1/2 were all green and 1/2 had red shadings I kept the red close to the house and planted the green out close to the pond where the nutra rats ate them. Oh well...We will see if they grow bigger next year...maybe, maybe not.

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