Compost tea: How long does the compost remain viable?

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

During the winter I mix my compost in water and keep in from freezing and draw from it to feed my house plants. Now my question is how long does the tea keep aerobic and healthy to use? I pull off the water and let it continue to "cook" with air in the mud room between feedings. Any Ideas?

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Soferdig, have you seen these? They're in Classic Threads, where I guess everyone wears zoot suits, etc.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

My guess, would be, if you kept O2 moving, like with an air pump,it would remain much longer, or until it is used up.I really don't know, but thats how things get invented. Mike

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I don't use the molasses and corn meal. I just soak the compost in water and use it. I suppose the molasses and corn meal would be a good Idea on occasion. I agree that within 2 weeks of watering you see the soil darken and get lively color in the plants. I don't need them to grow any faster in my setting.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)


lewiston, ID(Zone 6a)

Steve, Boy, you are not kidding about outgrowing the setting....You'd have to add on a greenroom.....Your Hoya is magnificent and the Jade plant just gorgeous....Deb

Peoria, IL

As long as the oxygen supply remains constant, the culture will find a population that can thrive. It will fluctuate until it finds a sustainable colony. I would suggest that you feed it once in awhile, though the culture can feed off of itself, but I am not sure how long that can be sustained. An aerated tea is very similar to a mixed liquor susupended solids that is used in wastewater. If you do a bit of web search you may be able to find information on mixed liquor aging.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

I usually after a coulple of months dump the compost back in the pile and chop (or hopefully dig) the next batch out for the next watering. I am going to use some molasses and corn meal in the compost where it needs to reculture an old potted plant.

Plano, TX

if i just put some compost in a milk jug and add water and let it sit for a week--then use it to water my house plants -will they get any extra nutrients? i know that adding molassas, corn meal, etc will make it better but i just wonder if it will do any good the way i mentioned


Without air being pumped through and feeding the aerobic state will turn back to anaerobic in about four to six hours. At this point it is still good as you have proven to yourself. It is just not as good as all the living biology created by the increased presence of oxygen.

I bring in a bucket full of compost, keep it damp and use it just as the original poster suggested.
The soaked remaining compost I spoon onto my inside potted plants as a mulch.

If you would like to play with free or inexpensive compressors to create small amounts of aerobic teas check the Health Services Yellow Pages. When oxygen service suppliers get a compressor that is not producing proper cfm for human support that compressor becomes junk. The half life left is pure gold usually for pennies or just for the asking. On my first trip to inquire i walked out with two to play with.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I thought my little aquarium pump would be good enough to aerate a bucket. ? Iw will go check the links above.
Good read, gets int worm composting too. I may start small with a jug of compost tea, and my little aq pump
Soferdig- thats a heckuva jade, look at the trunk on that monster.

This message was edited Nov 9, 2007 7:40 PM

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