My old maple thinks it is spring!

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Can't stand it!!!! Bad enough the daffies, hyacinths, crocus, dutch iris, etc, think it is spring - but this is a HUGE, old maple!!!!! I have a fine coat of ice in the back yard... and my poor maple thinks it is spring??????????? Bits of red are showing at the branch tips.... I cut all my blooming narcissus to bring in yesterday ... I have dozens of purple iris throwing up bud stalks. This is just not right.

Thumbnail by sterhill
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Yeah, maples are some of the first trees to bloom. Okame cherry is another early bloomer. I guess plants can't read the calendar.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

If thats a red maple, you should be OK,they put forth red blooms in Feb.,regardless.I have one that is the right front yard, and should I lose it ....It is very old, and grew in an unwanted place, some time in history, and is nothing but spreading branches, because the top was distroyed way back, BUT it has character. Mike

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I never saw this tree bud out like this before March, not in 11 years... I always wait until April to do a good clean of the patio as the pods and seeds fall around the end of March, but maybe I am being paranoid. I have so many bulbs and iris in the too soon stage...

I like character too!

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