Tell me about Knock Out roses

Cordele, GA

I am not a rose grower, however I would like to add one or two. The Knock Out series has gotten fabulous press. Does anyone here have first hand experience with them? I want a good clear red or cherry color and prefer a double or semi double flower form.


Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

I have 4 of the double reds that my dh got for me last April. All have done great! They bloomed all summer, until a hard freeze got them. The leaves are still on them and are a beautiful reddish color. They are the only rose I will grow (except for a Lady Banks I got at a trade, but I just planted it). The Knock Outs are a bit pricey, unless you get the original ones, but they are worth every cent. Did I say no black spot at all? Nor did the Japanese beetles get to the flowers. They are just a winner all the way around in my garden.


Marietta, GA

Knock Out is a great rose for people who want a beautiful rose bush without a lot of hassle. The bush grows about as tall as wide if left untrimmed. With some trimming, It blooms continually from spring until the first real hard frost, which this year was well into December. In the fall the foliage turns a dark dark red which is really pretty. It does have some pest problems - Japanese beetles like to eat the flowers and my bushes get a little leaf mold. But an occasional spray and some Sevin will take care of these problems. Knock Out is far less trouble than most roses. The pink version is called Chuckles, but I like Knock Out better than Chuckles.

Oh, goodness. After 4 years my Knockout was reaching about 6-8' tall. I was suprised. I just cut her all the way back to help her thicken up. I love the knockouts. They are not cutting roses, but they are beautiful and easy in the garden. Carmen's are very lovely.

Cordele, GA

Thanks, I will start looking for a local supplier.


Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Hey Beth,

Pike's Wholesale had them for 10.00 a plant this weekend at their sale, so check with the regular Pike's if there's one around you. I think the regular price is like 20.00 for a 3 or 5 gallon. I wish I'd have thought of it while I was there - they had the Cherry Red ones. I could have shipped them to you (of course, that'd probably have been more expensive than buying them come to think of it...LOL!)

Let me know how they do - I really like roses, but got tired of trying to fight with the black spot.


Cordele, GA

I think that the closest Pikes is in Atlanta. I will have to see if there is anything closer.


Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I got mine at Wal-Mart last year for $10.00 each.. They actually have a couple of small blooms on them right now.


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have 2 pink knock outs that I pulled out of the trash. Pink is a newer introduction. They were in bad form, as are all plants from the trash, but grew nicely and quickly regained their shape after I plnted them. They still have leaves on them this time of year when everything else around them is bare.



Orlando, FL

I have bought my first knock out rose about two weeks ago and I put it in a big pot and its really going great. I got it at lowes for 8 dollars and its pink. my nephew has some and they grow great and spread fast and bloom like crazy and he dont do a darn thing to them so that decided me. I usually have a problem with roses as they get black spot and dont grow fast here in fla. But its the way I treat them for Leu gardens has a spot for Roses and they are really beautiful but have to be sprayed at least every couple weeks or so....I hope I am going to be pleased with my first knock-out rose. I was lucky to find that one for 8 as they are usually 12 or more for small ones. Fran

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