Please help identify this plant

Saint Petersburg, FL

I took this photo at Busch Gardens in Tampa FL (but for some reason the FL forum is $-only, so I'm trying here), and I live in St. Petersburg. We see these small trees everywhere, but no local nursery can tell me what they are. Internet searches also fail. These trees are 20-30' tall, about as wide, and are deciduous. Shrimp tree and Paper Lantern tree, recent suggestions, have failed. If anyone knows the name I'd greatly appreciate a reply; I'd love one for my yard.

Thumbnail by kcc138
Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow, that is gorgeous, have no idea what it is though, it fragrant?

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

It looks similar to a dogwood (cornus kousa), but is probably mussaenda (tropical dogwood).

Check it out:

Cordele, GA

Yeah, Mussaenda for sure. There are three that look like the same infloresence. Very nice.

Saint Petersburg, FL

Wow, thanks, that certainly looks like you're right. The leaves are identical, but I can't find any other images online where the flowers, or racemes, are closed instead of loosely open - maybe I just caught the early stage of blooming?
I'm looking for one of these for my yard now, and so far have only located a white dwarf version online, but will start calling local shops.
Thanks again for all your help!

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