starting citrus seeds

scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

any suggestions on how to start cumquat seeds? do they need to cool first?

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi baolvera

I have a 3 foot ‘Marumi’ Kumquat in a large pot and when I eat them I just take the seeds directly and put they in a potting mix. I have several small seedling now and there is even a couple of small seedlings in the plants pot started from dropped fruit.


scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

thanks, I'll try it in the greenhouse

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Any One have any Orange Or Grapefruit seedlings to trade ? Paul

Marianna, FL

I recently saved some seeds of a seedling juice orange that is about 20 years old and 15 feet or more high. It seems to have never been damaged by freeze. It was 20 degrees here in N FL this year. It has some seeds(12 or more/fruit). Roble(Robel ?) is my favorite juice orange. Do you have ?
Also saved seeds from another juice orange(Parson Brown maybe?) not hurt by freeze this year or recent years.
Saved seeds of Meiwa kumquat which comes back fairly true to type except plants are more vigorous and columnar. Have seeds of a round, tart-sweet kumquat, too. Don't know if it could be Marumi or not.
Would you like to trade something ? I am looking for Ugli fruit seeds.


San Antonio, TX

I have 3 ugli fruit trees

San Antonio, TX

I bought a ugli fruit at the store had seeds planted them in a window type flower bed and they sprouted 3 of themcould'nt belive it . have ugli fruit seeds for sell store bought uglis usalley are seedless must of got lucky I think one of them going to be verigated version one has strong manderin sented leaf thats what to look for 2 have big leave one has small leaves

Marianna, FL

Do you have any seeds available from your trees yet ?

Houston, TX(Zone 10a)

Keep the seeds wet is what I was told... So I just took a fruit and stuck it in the ground...then little trees sprouted... dozens of them :D

Marianna, FL

I store citrus(and kumquat) seeds in the refrigerator in a ziploc bag to prevent drying until I have time to plant them. Be sure that your refrigerator temperature doesn't drop below 32 degrees in its cycle, though or your seeds can freeze. I had to raise my thermostat setting because it had been set very low for storing milk. I don't think that citrus seeds like freezing temps--although vegetable seeds store very well in the freezer.

Hi everyone I have been looking at this with interest.....could anyone tell me if their seedling fruit has ever been any good?...all that I have grown ( blood oranges ...manderines ... and lemons have been rather awful ....usually turning into rough bush lemon or nasty very thorny thick pithed oranges and manderines.....the last one from a very good manderine had shot up to the sky (even after hacking it back a few feet) it has grown that much in just over 3 after having had to cut down the nasty ones I was just wondering if there is a chance of this doing any good?......I find the seeds already sprouted in the fruit in Autumn and have planted at least 20 to grow on but they have always turned triffid on me...what do you think?
the other question is what is an ugly fruit?
chrissy :)

Fulton, MO


From Millet, one of the most knowledgeable citrus people I know:

Almost all sweet oranges, true grapefruit, lemons, limes, pure mandarins (other than King and Clementine), most Tangelos, hybrid tangerines and tangors (except Temple) do come true from seed.

Here is a link describing a way to tell which ones will come true from seed:

Jamaican Ugli Fruit is a hybrid of a grapefruit or pommelo x tangerine (Citrus reticulata x Citrus paradisi).

Thankyou ...well mine don't strange....well perhaps this one may be ok... but the thorns are already long skinny 1 inch things...just like all the others.Thanks for getting back to me. Just out of interest has anyone else had good results with oranges and lemons? I find the peaches are ok and the Apricots .......just not the citrus.:)

On second thought and after reading that....I have never "peeled "open a seed so I guess the ones with the "multiple Bubs " may have had a fight and the strongest prevailed......thus throwing up one of the tough surviver types.......ok that makes sense....well thanks for that I had no idea that I had to peel the seeds and look....I just planted the sprouting ones.Thanks again
chrissy :)

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