seed craziness

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

I seem to have ordered a lot of seeds. I was wondering if anyone in the NE forum has advice on when to start them. I have both perennials and annuals on order. I'm in NJ. I have a utility room that is not heated but doesn't get below 40*. I also purchased a small patio greenhouse (zip up variety) for hardening off. Thanks in advance for any help!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

hey, there, rose buddy :0) have you considered wintersowing? for most things you can just put them outside. I sowed my first containers today; 5 different kinds of Asclepias (butterfly weed), 6 kinds of hollyhocks, Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree), Lindera benzoin (spicebush), Passiflora incarnata (maypop). If you want to know more about it you can pop over to the wintersowing forum. I'm new to it this year. If you wintersow, the seeds will start at the right time for them.

If you don't want to go that route, you need to follow the instructions on the seed packets. Some need light for germination so seeds should not be covered with soil. Then you just count back from your expected last frost date. Around here that's usually Memorial Day. So, for example, tomatoes are usually 6-8 weeks before last frost. So I would sow tomatoes anytime the first 2 weeks of April. What kind of light do you have in your utility room? as soon as they sprout they will all need good light. and I have always found that I get better germination with some bottom heat. personally, I would go with the wintersowing.

let me know if you have questions. I've been sproutin' seeds for years.


Northeast Harbor, ME

When I have ordered a lot of seed, I usually start the perennials (since most of them are unlikely to flower this year anyway) after I've moved the annuals and vegetables outside to harden off. That way, I don't have to crowd everything together.

Gloucester, MA

Why don't you just grow them in your house? Just keep them as houseplants or somthing. Or just start them not and put them outside in the spring.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Funny thing, I posted to this thread earlier but it's not here ;< but, I wanted to say thanks for the info. Gram, you heard from me and Buckthorne thanks for your advice on the timing. That was one of the things I was wondering about since I have so many coming in. Sparisi, if I planted all those seeds in the house, I'd have to move out LOL.

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