Looking for a local source of Vermiculite near Woodstock

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Hiya folks,

I have my wood for my SFG boxes, now I need to do the Mel's Mix which calls for about 11 cubic feet of vermiculite. I've checked Lowe's and HD online but no luck with vermiculite. Does anyone know a place that sells it around here?

I'm doing 4 full sized boxes and two smaller ones for herbs. I cannot WAIT!

Thanks for any help you can offer.


Augusta, GA

I am in Augusta & am looking for large bags of vermi too. Please let me know if you have any luck. A friend suggested that we could talk to some of the nurseries and see where they get it and if they would sell it to us.
Good luck,

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Please let me know too. All I've ever seen is the smallish bag for $2.87. I'd like bulk, too.


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

The big retailers don't carry it any more. Your best bet is a local place that's been in business for a while. Seems like the older crowd is the only ones using vermiculite. I use it myself and get it from a place called the Greenery but that won't help you.

Conyers, GA(Zone 7b)

Sunny, Check the closest Pike's Garden Center. They had bulk bags at the Pike's in Rockdale when I was there late summer 2006. Haven't visited them recently so I don't know for sure they still have it.

Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks Oldtownegirl, I will check into it. I did find an online supplier, so if push comes to shove I'll place an online order since it isn't terribly heavy. So if you Ga peeps need some and you're close enough (and a local supplier doesn't have it), I'll order it and you can get it with me. I'll check it out with Pikes and see first though.


Paris, TN(Zone 6b)

Hey ya'll,

Just got off the phone with Pike's here in Woodstock. They do carry vermiculite, the largest bag they carry is 4 cu. ft @ 16.99 a bag. Not too bad considering shipping fees to have it shipped here would add a bit to the cost. I asked the guy I was talking to about how often they stock it. The Woodstock store orders every Sunday - he said if you need it, call and talk to them before they place their order and they can make sure to order enough on their next order.

I really appreciate the help!


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