Does anyone have Encore Azaleas?

Marietta, GA

I'm thinking of adding several in our backyard. I've been to the website and have narrowed my list down to which ones I'm considering. But I wonder if anyone here has any experience with them. Are they reliable re-bloomers in the Atlanta area? They've only been around for a few years.

Thomson, GA

I planted a several last year and they did not make it through our drought this year. Probably not the plants' fault, but "operator error". I found this site and learned a lot about the proper way to plant azaleas a little too late to save my encores, but did manage to salvage most of the rest of my azaleas, and they are thriving now. I may try some again when I get through planting the rest of the stuff I have to plant. LOL.

Gainesville, GA

I had very good luck with encore azaleas in Marietta. The second bloom was from August until December. They were in dappled shade with some getting as much as 4 hours of sun per day. The colors were red and pink, I did not like the salmon color. I will have some in my new yard after I have made the conversion from shade gardener to sun gardener-and find some part shade locations.

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

No luck here,
I managed to kill off 3 Encores last year.. or I should say 2 died.. and one is hanging in with no more than a limb leafing.. :(
I thought in thier dappled shade with about 3 hours of sun they would thrive.. Im sure it was any number of problems that did them in.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have 4 encores - bought them as fairly small plants and they have grown very well - but they don't ever really bloom so fully as the regular azaleas. They bloom off and on without really making a show. I have mine where they get a great deal of sun, with some afternoon shade. I also have Pleasant and Girard as they do well in sun too.

Thomson, GA

I love to ride through Aiken, SC in the spring. The azaleas through the center of town are breath-taking, and I want them in my yard!!! Of course, they've been there for years and the plants are very mature, so maybe one day mine will look like that. I would love to see those blooms all year, but I think I would take a heavy bloom for a short period over a sporatic one for several months. There are no shortage of blooming plants from August to November at least.

Sterhill, I will have to check out those two varieties for my sunnier areas. Good info.

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