spring in East Cobb

Arlington, MA(Zone 6a)

We are moving from the Boston area to Marietta. When is it "spring" in 30066?

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Supposedly the safe planting date (last frost) is April 15th. Is this what you are asking? It has been chilly in early May though the last two years. It can be in the 80's in early April (enough to turn on the A/C) or a freak snow (once in 28 years). In other words, it depends on the year and the weather patterns. Spring time is generally short lived here but is glorious with all the trees, shrubs, bulbs, and other plants blooming at the same time. Be ready for the pollen explosion - the streets turn yellow from all the fallen pollen (mostly pine) but it only lasts a couple of weeks. I hope you don't have serious "hay fever".

Marietta, GA

Spring begins in April in East Cobb (Marietta). March is usually unpredictable, both warm and cold, but always windy. April and May are almost always beautiful and can be warm, especially the last couple of years. June is often quite pleasant, too. Fall in the Atlanta area is particularly nice. It cools off around the middle of September and stays nice, although increasingly cooler, into early December. Look for cold and rain during late December and January, although this year has been quite mild. You will enjoy the weather in Atlanta except for August. Welcome to the South!

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