Chester 'Bouncer' ChikAdee

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

'Bonk', then a lil 'plunk' .. were the gosh-awful noises I'd heard early this mornin' ...

I instantly sprung from the bed, and slid the screen panel open .. and there he was: this wee lil body of a chikadee lying on his back on the floor of the side porch .. with his lil feetzers stickin' strait up into the air. As I eased one hand around to cup his lil body, and hold the other over him - not a wee leg moved, no clamp in his feet, not a toe wiggled, and not an eye open, as his lil beak was agape - but still. My heart began to ache and my eyes were already filling with tears ...

Took him on inside the house, hopin' and prayin' that this wee lil feathered fella .. may've sustained only a temporary jolt to his noggin and blow to his lil body. All the time, dreading the thought of my eventually seeing blood ooze from some part of his lil bitty body. I remained hopeful that he may be able to recover from his collision with the glass door, with no permanent effects.

Ever so lightly, I'd touch his wee head and continued to look closely at his lil beak, for any obvious damage and for any sign of bleeding. I’d stroke the feathers along his lil back, and stretched each of his wings a bit, and began to snuggle him even closer in the palms of my hands, while talking to him softly, about how he'd really taken a hard bonk - when an eye opened! His head then turned slightly, and the other eye opened. Then a jerk, and his lil body went limp. Again, the tears started .. for I'd seen this happen a few times before, and truly dreaded what has been the usual outcome.

Then .. another lil body jerk; then he rotated his head around a tad bit .. taking a gander at me (or so I felt he was), and started looking about the kitchen. He hesistated none, in turning to observe the ol Coot stirring our cups of coffee on the counter! But, remained content to stay within the warmth of my hands. He then extended his head a bit more .. to seemingly peer out the kitchen window. By golly, this lil fella jes may be shaking it all off .. afterall.

I removed one hand from over him .. and he was content to stay seated in my other. However, he continued to take greater interest in what was going on around him. Again he turned his head, but with much more agility .. to see any/everything! Then quickly turned it the other way, to check things out in another direction. He opened and closed his sweet lil beak several times, as to unhinge some stiffness .. then opened it wide, and shut it quickly: all the while turning his head to and fro! From all indications, 'Chester' ChikAdee was well on the way to recovery!

He attempted to move, as if to try to perch upon a finger .. but quickly sat back down in my palm. He tried once more, and again, and again. Then, finally .. he stood upright on his two lil twiggy feetzers, then proceeds to stretch both wings .. and his neck - and stepped upon my finger to perch. I moved my hand up and down a bit, but slowly .. to see if he can retain his balance well, with movement .. and he sat on his finger perch. Obviously, I'm rushing him a bit .. (heehee)

I sip my coffee while he perches on my finger .. then decide to see if he's ready to see the outside again. I open the back door, slip thru .. and he takes a gander of the surroundings; then turns to look at me. He does another wee wing stretch, but remains on my finger. We step over to the porch banister .. and I sorta scooted him off my finger, onto a small stick of firewood that's sitting atop the rail. (Should he need some additional time to stabilize and recoup .. he can clasp his toes a bit better). Sure nuff: the transfer poses no problem for him, and he stays perched there for a bit - while taking a peek about the ground and the air. I feel certain he recognizes the outdoors, and that he is free of my hands .. but he continues to turn his head and watch me closely, no matter where I move about on the porch.

It is then, that I decided that I'd really would like to get a few photos of my lil feathered patient .. and step inside to fetch my camera: feeling that he will surely exit before I return. Ahh, if so - then, so be it; for I am so relieved that he has survived the ordeal and seems to be bouncing back, very well! Nope, he was turned and looking; watching me as I came back out the door to the porch. He even leaned over to take a closer look at my camera, and tilted his head at it .. as I placed it right beside him! Chester .. obligingly, struck a few sweet lil poses for me, as he'd watch my fiddlin' with different settings on the camera, tinkering to see just how close I could get to him and maintain some clarity. He made a lil hop, and re-positioned himself, while I clicked away! .. Chester then leaned his lil debonairly tuxedo-suited self, and tilted his head over to one side with a momentary pause; jes as if to inquire if I was finished with the photo shoot - then he flitted up to the Oak tree right near the porch.

Chester stretched as if he was waking for the first time this mornin' .. then took flight to the sky.

Yep, it's been somewhat of a scarry .. but, most triumphant mornin' for us ol birds: feathered, and not …

- Magpye

.. Pic #1 of 4 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #2 of 4 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. Pic #3 of 4 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Lastly .. Pic #4 of 4 ..

Yep, it's blurred a bit. Kindly hard to 'see', thru my ol goofy tears of joy ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
Marlton, NJ

Oh Mag that is a Wonderful story and I'm so glad he was okay! Nice pics too! I love the Dee's!

May I ask what camera your using?

This message was edited Jan 7, 2007 7:20 PM

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

'Howdy' Pelle ..

For the shots taken and posted here on DG, it's been the Fuji S5000 and the S9000.
The S9000, for this particular series ...

- Magpye

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Too cool, Magpye, just the right place and the right time! How fortunate for lil Chester! We really appreciate him sticking around for the pictures too.

Savannah, MO(Zone 5b)

Great pictures of your little friend! Glad he or she is back on their feet again...........


Hebron, KY


Wonderful story and wonderful photos! Glad everything turned out ok! Thanks for sharing!

Love the Chickadees too! They're little sweethearts! Love their song too!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

another charming tale!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

pics are to cute

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Touching story. Glad he recovered!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . I was almost in tears with ya, Mag!!!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Oh my! This here garden spot .. is getting jes too doggone big, I tell ya .. .. lol ..

((Thank you kindly, folks))

- Magpye

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

A scarry beginning..With a beautifull ending!! So happy to hear he made it ok!! Thank's for sharring the story and pictures Magpye!

Citra, FL

What a wonderful lovely story...and great pics, too.

DFW area, TX(Zone 7b)

What a good heart you and your DH have ! Thanks you for the
charming story and the beautiful photos.

Kingsport, TN(Zone 6b)

Bravo! Nobody tells a good story like you Magpye! Have you everr thought about putting your beautiful photos and nature tales in a book? I would buy it in a New York minute!

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