Anybody's plants putting out new growth...? Weird winter....

Raleigh, NC

I've got hydrangeas and roses sprouting out new growth--should I be worried??? The hydrangeas did go dormant after that pre-Xmas cold week we had, but now are sprouting back out with all the warmth--should I start covering them, or do you think they will be ok? I would not be concerned except several of them were only planted in the fall, so don't have alot of "energy" resources.....

Also have rose cuttings (hardwood, dormant) that I started rooting only about a month ago--they are sprouting aggressively--they are outside in pots--should I bring them in before the next freeze? What a weird winter....

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I have toad lilies, cannas, and spring bulbs coming up. Hydrangeas came back in Nov. Dec. only to be hit by frost. Hopefully they'll be OK. I posted a similar question about resprouting a while back and it was suggested to just make sure everything is mulched well so the ground temps. don't change too much. I don't grow roses but imagine it wouldn't hurt to bring them inside.

Saw on the news that the weather is due to El Nino, and will continue being weird until May.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

My canna are all coming up. I'm just sick about it too. I have also noticed flowering trees blooming and the azaleas look ready to burst. My mini-roses are starting to put on new growth as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Brugmansia and Confederate Rose hedge stays dormant. To make matters worse, we had a hard rain and weather in the 70's.

I have a drawer full of tulips and other bulbs in the fridge that want to be planted but I'm a bit hesitant until the temperatures stabilize.


Raleigh, NC

Well, my Brugmansia and Hibiscus are still asleep, at least.....

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

My hardy hibiscus is budding and my roses never went to sleep. As I walked around the garden today I had camellias, roses, asclepias, tropical hibiscus, gerberas, bouvardia, odontenema, justicia, winter jasmine,malvaviscus, geranium, even a single blossom on a hedychium; and that is all I can think of without getting up and looking.

We are due for some more cold nights this week. Who knows what's in store??????

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Same here. Gerberas, hedychium, impatiens, setcresea, colocasia, banana sprouting new growth. Daffodils and snowdrops 6" high. Magnolia tree buds an inch long. New growth on roses.
Forecast for our neighborhood says low 30s overnight starting tomorrow night for at least 3 nights.
Above normal...below normal...above normall...etc. :)

Mt.Pleasant, SC(Zone 8b)

I have daffodils that are about to bloom and other things way ahead of time. Forsythia in full bloom down the street.

Hey yotedog, I would go ahead and get those bulbs in asap. I planted mine last week, despite the weather you don't want to wait much longer on those.

Happy gardening yall.


Raleigh, NC


Well its finally gotten cold here--in the mid 20's last night with ice on the car--so, how'd all your plants do??

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Piece of cake here - a low of 44 last night! Ya'll come on down to my corner of the Carolinas.

Raleigh, NC

Hey Yotedog,

I'm in Raleigh too, but my roses have not sent out new growth. I did not do the first cut back yet, waiting on the weather and wonder if that mattered. Everything else looking good. Hydrangeas not putting out growth. I want cold weather just to kill off the pest. I let a fly in the other day and annual grasses have it my lawn. Sedums (Autumn Joy) growing like crazy.

Georgetown, SC(Zone 8a)

Last 3 nights were hovering at or just below freezing but no noticeable damage.
Forecast says another warm spell now. Fingers crossed!

yotedog: how'd yours do?


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I've noticed Encore Azaleas in full bloom around here. Seems to just be encore's though.

Raleigh, NC

Everything seems ok here, and, yes, I second that opinion that we need some cold to kill off the pests. I've got fleas in the yard from a previous occupant of my home, and though they are less and less each year if it would just get good and cold this year for a week I think that would be the end of them. I don't use pesticides, so cold is my only option for a quick kill-off....sigh....I killed what sure looked like a mosquito a few days ago....

Hey cacahuete--I think my roses sent out new growth because they were only planted this year so are a little confused. I have not pruned them because I keep expecting "the big chill" but they have minds of their own! Glad yours are smarter than mine! Not sure at all whats up with the hydrangeas, though. What variety do you have? Mine are unfurling those little baby leaves very quickly.....I think they're going to get nipped with the next cold spell.

Raleigh, NC

Hey yotedog,

My Endless summer is in my perennial boarder facing west and it does has some growth at the bottom (sorry if I misled you), my Nikko Blues are on the north side and they have no new growth emerging, and then there are my Oakleafs which never lost last years growth! Bring on a cold snap and rid us of the flys, fleas, and mosquitoes!

As an added bonus, my oamanthus fragrans are hold ing their own. They are all still in bloom and smell heavenly!

Raleigh, NC

I guess the other good thing about this weather (looking on the bright side) is that its one surprise after another! There is certainly going to be no predicting of bloom times this year thats for sure...

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

And it is just not predicted to be cold enough for long enough to kill off any bugs. Should be unusually warm again by the weekend.

Please pass the insect repellent.....

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