Cybister " Chico "

Pickering, ON(Zone 5b)

A real winner in my books.


Thumbnail by Annetta_S
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes definitely one of my favorites.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Lovely, Annetta1

Is this a recently planted bulb?

Pickering, ON(Zone 5b)

This is a picture from last year. I am waiting for it to bloom this year. I hope!


Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

OK, Annetta. I was wondering cause the bulb planted in winter 2005 is still deep asleep. It did bloom that winter though it didn't start growing till months later.


I am a newbe to this forum. I have grown Amaryillas for a long time, but the term cybister is a new one to me. would someone please explain? I have about 15 or more varieties & still want more. I love the doubles.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

The "cybisters" refers to those hybrids that are crosses of Hippeastrum cybister, a species with another species (manytimes H. papilio) or hybrid.

Most (but not all) have a distinctive, somewhat "spidery" look, as exemplified in 'Chico'. They are said to look "exotic" or some other description to note the difference in size and form from the standard large-flowered types, say Apple Blossom, Red Lion, etc.

Here are most of them: Chico, Emerald, La Paz, Lima, Merengue, Double Merengue, Night Star, Quito, Rio Negro, Reggae, Rosario, Ruby Grace, Ruby Meyer, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, Sumatra, Tango, Toscana.

This message was edited Jan 9, 2007 10:22 PM

Northwest, OH(Zone 5b)

'Chico' is lovely! Here's my 'La Paz' from last year, and they're getting ready to bloom again this year. I put them out in the ground in the garden all summer and brought them in in September. I stored them in the dark cool basement until about a month ago, when I saw signs of new growth, and I potted them up again.

Thumbnail by kbaumle
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh that is just gorgeous, kbaumle !!!!!!!!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I have one La paz and it started opening today. i didn't know it was a sixbloomer.

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Sorry it won't let me edit my other post Mine is not La Paz but sumatra.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Hope you'll post some pix. Sumatra Ruby Meyer are so similar that in some pix, I can't always tell them apart. Sumatra seems to be more orangey.

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