Help - I need used nursery containers

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

I have a huge collection of daylilies and irises that I need to pot up and move.

Please email me: if you can help me out.

I can send a package of plants or pay postage in exchange for large stack/s of containers. Gallon size is best.

Thumbnail by cathysplants
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Why not see if there is a Freecycle near you and try there. How long will they be potted up between gardens? You can use boxes lined with garbage bags, shopping bags. Can you show us a picture of the growth your plants have right now?

Are you taking entire clumps or just pieces, to start off again?
I did a huge move some years ago. Dug, divided and sold the rest.

Day lilies and iris are so forgiving. You could take pieces, name them well aand not bother potting them up at all. It is so early in the year that with your long growing season, they should grow on well when you replant.

Just a few ideas.

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

They will have to stay in pots for awhile. Could be for several months or more. I will be doing as you did when you did your huge move inanda - digging, dividing and selling what I can. Will keep them in small clumps as much as I possibly can, so that maybe this Spring I will be lucky enough to have a few miraculous blooms by some stroke of luck.

Lindsay, OK(Zone 7a)

Go to your local food store and ask for banana boxes - they have a coating of some type of plastic on them and stand up well, then add the plastic bag with a hole cut for drainage - in the same spot of the hole in the box. This will hold 6-8 small clumps easy with little problem.

At least that is what I would do.

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you for your suggestion, Mitch.

It may come to that. I'm going to beg people at work (VA staff) to bring me any containers that they can spare. I will also check out the local nurseries in the area and see if they have some old pots they can sell to me cheaply. All else failing, I will treck up to McMinnville to buy some.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

My experience is that most gardeners have some old 1 gal and up size pots around that they would happily give you. Put signs up at work, at the grocery story bulletin board, etc. etc. You might get quite a few. This would be a lot cheaper than mailing. I bought a bunch of approx. 1 gal plastic pots at Wal-Mart at the end of the season for $1 or less each. I like the banana box idea as well. Right now all of my 1 gal. pots are full of, you guessed it, iris and daylilies that I bought last year and didn't get in or I would send you my extras. However 1 year ago, I could have sent you quite a few.

Nipomo, CA(Zone 8a)

Instead of going to the produce dept of your grocery store for banana boxes, hit up the bakery dept. They get all of their frostings, icings, and fillings in 2-3-5 and 10 gal buckets. They almost always throw them out. Hit up all the big bakeries in your area. I am not sure about small little family bakeries, as they probably still bake from scratch, but the store that I work in throws away at least 10 of those babies a week! Small sandwhich shops that gives you a pickle with your sandwich will also have a good five or ten gallon bucket ready to toss at the end of the week.
Good Luck

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you for all the wonderful suggestions.

I have a trade in process and am exchanging some of my irises for 50 (1 gallon size) nursery pots.

I'm also going to approach some of the local greenhouses and nurseries to see if they would like to give up some of their nursery pots in exchange for plants.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Sounds like you are doing a good job of using your iris assets to solve your problem. I found the pots I bought from walmart at the end of the year. They look like a gallon or slightly more, are very sturdy and have a detachable part on the bottom to stop drainage. They cost 88 cents each. I don't think that was an end of the year special.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Sounds like you are doing a good job of using your iris assets to solve your problem. I found the pots I bought from walmart at the end of the year. They look like a gallon or slightly more, are very sturdy and have a detachable part on the bottom to stop drainage. They cost 88 cents each. I don't think that was an end of the year special. I am currently planting bulbs that I had failed to plant on time in them.

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

i get all my pots at the flea markets

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