Supreme Garden

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

My first bloom opened fully today.

4" x 4" on a 20" scape.

Thumbnail by raydio

Oh boy! I really like that little guy! Can you imagine him crossed with a nice cybister, Exotic Star or Butterfly?
I received mine about a week ago and have separated the bulbs for planting. Just put about six of them in over the last few days.
Thanks for posting...
BTW... I have about fifty good pods of assorted crosses that are coming along pretty well. I've only done about 25% of the pollinating work on my Amaryllis, so I've got a way to go yet before I can report on statistics. I will be making a list of what was pollinated with which pollen and will make it available to all of you after all seed is collected.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

It would be nice to see some more true light orange tones in the cybisters. I can't imagine what papilio x SG or SG x papilio would look like......but I definitely want to see some of that.

The flowers of SB dance around a bit; lowered at night and then up a bit in the day, so they face outward. The tepal tube isn't as sloped as in striatum and is shorter, the blossom being smaller overall.

The pollen ripened quickly. The first day the blossom was open maybe 1/3 of the way, and the next (today) the pollen was ripe first thing though the blossom wasn't fully blown till the afternoon.

The texture is very soft and silky. You can see in the above pic, that with the back-light, you can easily see the sepals behind the petals. No scent.

Here's another "after sundown" pic so the bloom is nodding. It was so overcast and rainy today, I didn't get to make any daytime pix.

Thumbnail by raydio

Ah! Very nice, lily form!
I can see this one crossed with Germa, Evansaie or Blossfeldiae (see photo)
...similar form.

Thumbnail by
Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Oh my goodness, it's gorgeous!

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)


Haven't ever seen a blossfeldiae with such a white center. Nice. Reminds me of the Lifesavers Orange Creams. Yum!

Another pic in daylight.

Thumbnail by raydio

Dang! What a cutie! I can't wait for mine to bloom! :-)
Good work raydioman!

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