Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This warm weather is crazy! Not that I don't like it, but--it is playing havoc with all the garden plants!
My bulbs are all up! I see leaf buds here and there!
My Wintersweet Bush is starting to bloom! This does nor usually happen until the end of February/beginning of March! AND!!! Ready for this? I saw 2 Robins today digging around in my flower beds trying to find a worm. Geez!!! It is only January 3rd!!!!! Where did they come from?

The grass is still green and all those darned lawn weeds are just flourishing--everywhere!. It is as if winter will never come and spring will just seguay in way ahead of schedule. And--THEN! We will get a week-long frost in March that will kill everything. The sad part is--that we cannot do anything about it!

What do YOU think about all this????


Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I love this weather. Just think of what you are saving on your heating bill. Now if only July and August would be unseasonably cool!

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Mornin' ~ we've been discussing this issue on the weather forum & it's very unsettling. It's been 40 degrees too warm in Canada. I have some things coming up as well & think maybe all will be frozen later on in the month. Global Warming? Some folks don't believe it's happening, but I think they are in denial. What do you think?
This is something coming up....Siberian Iris.

Thumbnail by music2keep
York, PA

This year is El Nino which will cause issues with the weather. http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tao/elnino/faq.html


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Yes, El Nino is playing a part. Here's a link to the forum where we've been discussing it... http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/681231/
Many issues have been brought up, most scientific, but most times stats like this are on the mark.
If you don't want tho go thru the entire thread here is a link or 2 (3) that will save a lot of reading. http://news.independent.co.uk/environment/article2116873.ece and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larsen_Ice_Shelf
Hope all this works...

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gitagal, I never knew until last year that robins don't migrate. I don't know where they hide all winter but they're here. LOL

We've been having warm days, in the 50s up to about 60, but down into the 20s and 30s at night.

Most plants won't be killed by warmer than usual winters (and for those of you who are convinced this is all global warming, weather like this does happen sometimes) but it might affect their blooms the next summer or spring. I've found, though, that late spring frosts have more of an effect on bloom than mild winters.

What I'll bet we will see next year is worst than normal summer bugs. It seems like every time we have a mild winter, the next summer the Japanese beetles, ticks and fleas are much worse.

West Pottsgrove, PA(Zone 6b)

Of course Robins migrate! The species is named Turdus migratorius!
They don't follow the standard migration routes, but they do migrate. Chances are good the Robins you might see now are from up north.


Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

I remember one year the asparagus came up in January. That was back when warm weather in the winter made people happy. I've been checking but so far no asparagus yet. Sigh

Thanks for the site, claypa. Robins are my kind of birds--only travel when you absolutely have to--I feel that way too!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Sorry, perhaps I didn't use the right terminology. I was told last winter by a local ornithologist when I saw robins that they are here all winter. Apparently some of them don't migrate. So, when we talk about seeing the first robins being a sign of spring, they're really not.

This is from the Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources

"Northern robins that nest in Canada will often migrate to the United States in the winter and some southern robins spend their winters in Mexico. Most, however, remain in one area all year long. If you don't see your resident robins in the winter, it's because they are living in the woods where they can find food and shelter from the harsh winter weather."

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

I can attest to the winter robins! I live in the woods in Howard Co. five acres of them and at any time walking in there you can see the robins year round! I have pictures of them in the snow last year when they came to my heated bird bath for a drink, very cool!

The ticks are horrible here too, we have been getting them off the dogs like mad worse for me is that we have lots of deer ticks mixed in. The dogs are treated for them but they are still getting on them. Oh and twice now I have gotten bit by mosquitos, which totally irks me! My pond plants are putting up new green leaves, stuff is blooming that should not be blooming yet, heck a saucer magnolia is loaded with buds! I will buy a few days of mild weather in a row, even a week but don't tell me that something isn't wonky when we have had nothing but warm weather all along! I need the seasons to change so much, they keep me sane and this weather is not making me happy at all. Least of all I was going to do winter sowing but I just don't even want to mess with it.


This message was edited Jan 4, 2007 3:07 PM

Highland, MD(Zone 7a)

I dug around and found the pictures of the robins in the snow! Too cool!

Thumbnail by ldy_gardenermd
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

nice snow robins- I've never seen that before.
Yes I have some daffodils up to 8 inches in a warm spot, and buds on elderberry are leafing out, My MIL said-next thing, the forsythia will bloom- and I scoffed(internally) but she may not be too crazy there.

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

All of my iris are waking up and the eyes on the peony roots I invested in are all extremely pink and swollen. One peony has even begun to sprout up about 3 inches. My rose bushes all have tiny new green leaves as do my salvia. The later two confuse me as I had read to prune them in the spring to promote new growth. If this weather keeps up when should I prune? What really gets my goat is that I filled a 15 gallon pail with fresh, green weeds this afternoon! Who weeds in January?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

people like us out for a good time, that's who.
Me, I had neglected housecleaning for waaaaay too long so I vaccuumed instead. But I was sorely tempted to move some salvia instead of waiting for spring ...the calendar spring that is.
i feel sure we'll get at least one more hard freeze, so I think that'll put the pruning back on schedule. On salvia, they say to pinch at 4-6 inches or something, so they don't get too thin and leggy later, like mine do.
i'll look at my peonies tomorrow

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I saw 2 Robins digging around the edge of my flower bed on Jan 2nd. That was weird, as I have always looked at Robins as harbingers of Spring also. But NEVER this early!!! Do you think there are worms around this early?

I think the danger in this warm a winter and all the early budding and blooming is that there is a very likely chance of a deep freeze that would destroy all the growth and the plant will not put out a second effort. Especially if there is early bloom. That would be sad! Bulbs being up is OK if we get a frost, as long as there are no flower buds showing.
Not much we can do but go with the flow of what Mother Nature throws our way.

My bulbs are up also--maybe 3" or so and my Wintersweet Bush has it's little, yellow blooms opening up on the stems. This does not happen (usually) until end of February. I have a lot of seeds for this shrub if anyone wants--it is just a long haul until it blooms, like 5-6 years.

I also have piles and piles of weeds. They never died! All the chickweed or whatever--it is just flourishing! I will have to do some serious weeding this Spring. I have always wanted to spread the "Preen" over all my beds so no weeds will sprout from seed. Has anyone done it and was it successful??? My Vinca geoundcover is full of these weeds! Everywhere!

I will be going in on Jan. 24 for my second Knee Replacement, so I will be a little behind with all the early garden chores. BUT! They will get done--one way or another! I am a diehard! Did it all the last time (2004).

I will have to go look at my Irises and Peonies tomorrow as well. Can't say I see anything on the Roses yet. Haven't looked closely...

Lets just call this season the "Endless Summer/Fall/Spring?"......


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I believe Preen needs to be watered in after you put it down. It needs moisture to give off a gas which is what really kills the seed. I read this in some forum, invasives maybe.

I'd agree that if flower buds open past a certain point and then freeze that will sure mess up the spring display. And if plants have to put out a second flush of growth maybe they would need TLC over the summer.

Isn't it funny though that no one has reported forsythia, which is an early one and easy to force, opening? the long hedge next to me shows not a single flower.
Weeds- yes henbit, chickweed and shotweed are all doing great here.

My houseplants are doing great because 1- some of them are getting vacations to the deck like today and2- not so much hot dry air inside. My English ivy for one really seems to suffer in dry air. THanksgiving cactus too.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita: I hope your 2nd knee replacement is very successful and your recuperation goes smoothly.

My garden never really went to sleep for the Winter, because it hasn't been cold enough for a long period of time. I have new growth on trees, shrubs & Roses.

Personally, I'm lovin' this extended warm spell! I've planted bulbs in December, as well as, plants that I wintersowed. My wallet REALLY appreciates this warm-up because we are saving $$$ in heating bills!

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the tip on the salvia! I know I'm worrying over plants I paid $3 for, but I love them so! Isn't it great when an after-thought type purchase becomes a favorite plant? I saw a plant that I thought was forsythia in bloom over a week ago, but someone told me it was Carolina Jessamine? I'm probably wrong. It looked like forsythia to me- heck I made enough forsythia crowns when I was a kid!

With mid-70 degree weather tomorrow I just may attack the weeds in the 2 other beds I didn't get to on Thursday! Or maybe I'll drive around and try and find discount nursery stock...

Hope you all have a great weekend. Oh, and Gita, good luck with your knee!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Can you belive this morning? it must be 65 an d is sunny on my deck. Doesn't bode well for the usual winter housecleaning around here. My gosh, I just realized there are a bunch of crickets singing outside the window!
ladyschweig- I have salvia farinacea, it's quite hardy here. always comes back and a few new ones here and there. for me they look great in spring and bloom, but later in the summer tend to get powdery mildew all over the lower leaves and drop them. because ofthat I have them in less than prime spots. they've been goingthru generations for over 12 years now so they are probably not genetically the best bunch now. Goldfinches go after the seeds.
Yes there's something called Carolina jessamine or jasmine,not sure which. It's pretty with has long low arching green stems, I'd consider it if it could go out over the edge of a wall. If you want it and can steal a stem I think it roots easily.
Good luck on the nurseries, that would be fun way to spend the day, maybe some half done amaryllis for a great price; they're easy to keep year to year. or late bulbs could still go in I think.

Crofton, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Sallyg- Yes, it is an unbelievable morning. I’m going outside to check my Sensitive Fern. If it is coming up then spring is here.

I’ve got Salvia farinacea, too. I planted it last spring. I thought it would be annual (like impatiens are) but I guess its perennial in our zone. And Goldfinches- yep, I’ve got those. Last summer was the first time I had seen them in my yard. They’re so light they can perch on the salvia and it won’t bend over. The Goldfinches also liked my dwarf sunflowers.

Have a good day all!

Manahawkin, NJ(Zone 7a)

I am some north of most of the posters but I have had daffodils in bloom - full bloom since the days after Christmas. Of course only one type - the wonderful Early Sensation - always the earliest but never have bloomed earlier than February. I am enjoying them, and the Winter Fire camellias that usually have had their blooms blasted by sub-freezing weather in past years. I noticed that my helleborre that are the Lenten Rose type have shot up stems and buds as well.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Well, some of the early things are holding on underground-- I would have thought somebody would notice crocus, snowdrops, forsythia before daffodils. Maybe daffs will do really well having this extra time for photosynthesis. Maybe there are a few factors affecting emergence. But today-- brrrrrrr

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Noticed my sedums thinking it was time to rise and shine the other day...after this snow/ice, I hope they think better. LOL

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


We all knew this was going to happen! Que Sera--Sera!!!

My Wintersweet bush is blooming away because of the early season. I guess it may be on hold by now. I took pictures, but have not processed them yet. If you stick your nose right into those tiny blooms they smell like heaven!!!! I have plenty of seeds--if anyone is interested.....

I am going in wed. AM (1/24) for my second knee replacement at St. Josephs Hospital. I will be turning my computer off for about 7-8 days. Hopefully, I will be back home by the 31st.
Should be back in good shape by the spring planting season. If not--I am still gonna do it!

Keep me in your thoughts! Thanks, Gita

Shenandoah Valley, VA

You'll be in our prayers, Gita. Wishing everything goes well and that you'll soon be dancing a jig around your flower beds. Keep us posted when you're able to get online again, will you?

Vienna, VA(Zone 7a)

We will be thinking of you Wednesday Gita, and looking forward to your getting back to us. Anne

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Prayers headed your way Gita!!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, Wishing you well, and a fast recovery!

Crozet, VA

Gitagal - I agree with all the messages before me. Any surgery is kind of scary I think. Odds are that things will go fine and that the knee replacement will help you out alot. Believe me, if you come in here and confess to doing any sort of work before the ladies here think that you should be doing it, they will call you on it. ha-ha

After my surgery in September, I would come in here and type about the things I had done that day. I had more than one person to tell me to cool it and take life a bit slower. I have one more surgery scheduled for February 14. I only hope that I will do as well with the upcoming one as I did with the last one.

Even if you haven't healed enough to get outside and do some gardening, you can always come in to these forums and see what all other are doing.

Here is wishing each and every one of you a good day.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hey, all!

I am HOME-Sweet-Home! One week since my surgery!

Been "messing around" on the computer. Had a lot of e-mails and am now trying to catch up with all my "watched" threads. Then I will hit the sack.

Getting around OK--slow--using a combination of my new walker and cane. I SOOOOOOOOOO need a shower!!!! It has been 5 days! I think tomorrow I will tackle that issue.

Don't freak out, but here is my knee today. The weird color and swelling will subside in due time. Sure looks ugly!

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers. Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, Ouch! That looks sore, but I'm so glad you are home. I'd show you my scar but I might get kicked out of DG. ha ha


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh Gita...mercy!!! How I hate staples!!! That is a whopper of an incision!!! Geez!!! However - did you notice if you just look at the knee area (minus the staples) it looks kinda like the earth? I hope you're not in a lot of pain!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita- good thing it's so cold out, you Sure don't want to kneel in the garden on that! Glad it went OK.
(Chris- you are too funny! Chantell...still tryingto find the earth...hmm...)

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Well, they say laughter is the best medicine. But if I laugh to hard my chest starts to hurt. Go figure!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chris, you're a card! LOL Gita, it's so good to hear from you. That's one impressive incision you've got there. Are you sure they didn't install a stereo system and rocket launcher along with the knee? How are you feeling?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I must have missed something here a long while ago! What is all this about----"Chantell still trying to find the earth"??? Is she orbiting somewhere else?

Don't even talk about kneeling! Haven't been allowed to do that for years. Dr.'s orders. Had my left knee replaced 3 years ago. Being I am such a big gardener, it sure makes everything double hard. Mostly I either hang over, resting one elbow on a knee or sit on one of those little gardening benches on wheels. Of course, they are barely 12" tall, so getting up and down from that one is very hard as well--but (eventually) good exercise. I always hold a huge cookout end of June for about 60 people. My Garden has to be as pretty as it can be by then. This year will be the 12th year straight. Can't NOT have it! It is the "highlight" of the year for the Group I belong to.

Hart, the whole knee prosthesis is made of Titanium and weight only 13 ozs. I have seen what a knee replacement unit looks like. Very impressive!

How do I feel??? Well. I slept 12 hours last night (not solid--changing positions in bed always woke me up). Today, I WILL take a shower!!!!!!!!!!!! Haven't had one in 8 days! My skin doesn't even breathe! I will pull a newspaper bag over the incision, tape the top shut all around, and thus will not get the staples wet--NOT allowed! Will shampoo my hair and fix it up. Then--I will try to find enough time and energy to start doing my 10-12 different exercises (30 reps each--twice a day!) . That will all hurt like H---, but it has to be done in order to strengthen all the muscles that have been cut. The hardest one is the quadriceps (thigh muscle), as everything depends on that. To everyone's amazement, I can already bend my knee at over 90* and extend it totally flat. Only 7 days after the surgery!

I will lumber along, using my walker or my cane, take things slow and putz along.

Talking to you all will make my days go a lot faster.

Thanks, Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita- Tha sounds pretty awkward, trying to garden that way. On the other hand, wanting to garden is one of the few physical therapy activities that would motivate me. I would find a way!! My mom lives alone, and I am glad she likes to get outside on nice days and putz. If she went to an aprtment she would miss it so much.
The shower will feel GREAT, and it's wonderful that you're making good progress already. If you can exercise today, I guess I have no excuse, ha ha ha!

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Gita, You are an inspiration, 7 days after surgery is great.

You are right, coming here at reading what all goes on here will make the days go faster, Right after my surgery, I would come here just to read, Typing was out of the question then, too sore. But I could handle the mouse.

Anyway keep up the good work, we're all rooting for ya!


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita, I'm sorry...wasn't making fun...but it seemed to me that your knew resembled the earth...my bad. Glad you're doing well!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Gita, we're just trying to tease you until you smile. I do a lot of help in the garden for an older friend who has had both knees replaced. I think you're doing extremely amazingly well compared to what she was able to do after surgery.

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