pecan trees

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

Can ya'll reccomend a good type of pecan tree for me to plant here in North Georgia? After making several pecan pies over the holidays, I've decided I need to try growing my own pecans. I couldn't believe how pricey pecans have become! I think that I will need to plant at least two trees for them to pollinate, right?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

You will,and by far the best in your area, would be a "stuart"(sp),but you will need a diferant varity to polinate, your local nursary will know, and recomend.In my area,it is better to find a local person, who can graft to the seedlings that pop up every where, and some are in an OK place for a good graft.They grow much faster. Mike

Hint!! any one who can graft grapes,can graft peacans.

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

m, I have never heard about getting a different variety to pollinate, is the stuart actually sterile? I have never tried to do any grafting, I have trouble just getting a cutting to root! Is this why I never see any pecan saplings in the catalogs?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

You can't buy the saplings,I thaught that you were like the other 85% of Ga., with seedlings growing everywhere.No, your best bet would be to get a small tree,and the reason for getting a different variaty, is to cross polinate.I can't tell you why cross polination is so important,but it does help the production of nuts.Stuart's are not sterile, you just need two differant varities, in order to have a good crop.I'm sorry to confuse you about the grafting, but I will let a seedling grow in a desirable spot,and do a graft on it to produce a good tree, that is well rooted.No adjustment period on the new tree. good luck. Mike

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

WOW - that would be wonderful. I am sure I can find something to trade for it. Are you going to the Spring Roundup? Maybe we can meet there and swap. Thanks a mil!!

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey Mike, can I interest you in a Magnolia tree? I have volunteer under my giant Magnolia tree. Would you trade a pecan tree for a Magnolia? or........Kudzu? or........ privet? :-)

Lula, GA

Hey, Mike

I'm coming to the RU- are you offering to bring grafted pecan saplings? Or am I misreading your post?

I will BUY a few from you, if I don't have ALOT on anythings you want on my trade list! LOL!Will you have the Stuart and another variety?

You have to have two varieties of pears to get pollination. Some fruit trees can pollinate themselves and others need cross-polination. There are lists, sometimes nurseries post them, of which are which.

Homestyle- you're not too far away from me- I'm in Lula, off 365.


Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

I guess I wasn't clear, on that subject, what I do is , when I find a seedling, at random, and if it is in the wright place, I will graft it, inplace, and the root will be half way to china, by then.In order to have seedlings, I would have to grow them from seed, in a full barrell, and graft them, and split the barrell, and seperate, in order to get the root one needs for good growth.This takes a full year, and I haven't done this in a while.*When looking for grafted stock, look for the longest root.When you see a 1 foot high seedling, the root is usually 4', and impossible to dig.Hope this helps. Mike

Lula, GA

Darn, Mike, I did mis-read but thanks for the great tips about pecan roots!!!

See ya at the RU!


Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

Brenda, I guess we couldn't talk Mike into going into the pecan tree business! Oh well, one of these days I will find a pecan tree!

Hope to meet you both at the round up!!


Mcdonough, GA(Zone 7b)

I read somewhere once that there are so many pecans in most areas of GA that in general you don't have to buy two in order to get pollination. I have at least a couple of wild ones on my little 2.5 acres, and was wanting a 'Stuart' or 'Elliott' pecan. I had not planned on buying two from the nursery.

Can someone who has more experience with this comment? Thanks!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Sweetpea48, contack your extension office, and just ask if they know of some one who could graft a stuart, and elliott on to the seedlings, that are where you would plant a pecan, it could happen.Mike

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