winter vegetable garden?

Decatur, GA(Zone 7b)

Is there anything that I can plant this time of year? Last year I tried broccoli, onions, turnips, and snowpeas in February, and the turnips and snow peas worked, but nothing else. Anyone have stuff that's worked for them?

Byron, GA

I've planted lettuce in two rectangular planters. I put chickewire on the top to keep out the wildlife and it will support a frost blanket when the temps get too low. I planted lettuce last year and it did well. I understand that lettuce can handle some freezing temps but I threw some quilt batting over it every time it got cold.

Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

Radishes, mustard greens, parsley, lettuce, beets, kale

Byron, GA

Planted English peas, sugar snaps, snow peas, parsley, carrots, broccoli and lettuce. All but the parsley and broccoli have sprouted. Will plant red cabbage and boc choi this week.

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