Planning Round 2

Scarsdale, NY(Zone 6b)

Hello shade gardeners! Last year, having recently moved out of New York City, was my first foray into gardening. I found myself with a particularly challenging gardening situation in the backyard—a triple threat of shade, deer and rocks.

The first job was to clear out the brush and weeds that were covering the hill. I don’t have pictures, but the excavation was grueling and immensely satisfying. From there, I was left with the challenge of re-imagining what this little hill could be.

I started with the left side which I intended to turn into a modified rock garden with speedwell, lysimachia, geum, lobelia, salvia, sedum and some fescue, among other things. The other side, which has more soil and more sun I planted with some astilbes, gooseneck loostrife, day lilies, grasses, and hostas. As well as some foxglove.

This picture was taken in early June, soon after I planted. It wasn’t long before deer and weeds ravished the whole project. I am hoping that some things will come back stronger, although of course I am not sure what those will be.

Wondering if anyone has any suggestions for this type of situation. I have been reading other posts on this forum and am considering cranesbill, columbine and perhaps violets.

Happy new year to all!

This message was edited Jan 1, 2007 2:34 PM

Thumbnail by megalli
Scarsdale, NY(Zone 6b)

here is another picture of the situation -- this one a little closer

Thumbnail by megalli

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