Strange Plant

Douglasville, GA

Hello All

I am new here and I went seaching for a web page so that someone could tell me what kind of plant that I have. I would also like to know how to take care of it and where I should put it in the winter months.

If anyone can help, please do.

Thank You!!

Thumbnail by Tree1982
Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

That is Acalypha repens aka "Strawberry Kittentails" or "Chenile Plant" and a slew of other common names.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

If you look at the forums, there is one call identification that is wonderful - I have found plants in the woods that I have never seen before and gotten an ID within hours... Very good forum!

I'd say Chenille Plant also...

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Chenile Plant seems to be more commonly associated with acalypha hispida.

Douglasville, GA

Thank you both for the help.
Now I know how to take care of the plant in the winter and all year around.

Orlando, FL

I have this plant also and its very easy to grow . stays outside all winter but of course we dont get any freezing weather. You just care for it like any other pot plant. divide by the roots, I dont know if it has seeds or not. Fran

Augusta, GA

Hey Fran--haven't "talked to you" in awhile. Hope the holidays were good to you. I'd love to trade with you for some "roots". I would have to grow it in a container and put it in the gh during the winter.

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