always had trouble with my wisteria.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

IT's three plants planted side by side, and they are absolutely huge,

But rarely bloom like the wisteria in the plant catalogs, I long for big blue luscious blooms this spring, or summer, don't even remember when they bloom.

I used l3 l3 l3 on it last year as fertilizer, and that didn't seem to do anything but make it grow. I do trim it back drastically and I know that has something to do with it, but if I don't it takes over the yard and the faucet which is right beside it.

When is the best time to trim it so it will still bloom and what on earth can I do to make it bloom pretty if I can't get it to bloom this year, i'm havning DH cut them down and digging up the roots so it doens't come back.

I also have a pink flowering one in the back yard, new last year, will want to make that bloom pretty too this spring.



Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

How old are your plants? It took mine at least 3 years before it bloomed. Mine would eat the house if I didn't prune it hard too. I cut it back pretty heavy after the blooms are done and then again later in the summer. Here is a picture from last year. You can just see my box pond sitting on the patio under the Wisteria and after the bloom I cut it back far enough to clear the box pond and most of what is hanging over the grass. I do this every year and it comes back and puts on a pretty nice show. Holly

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

kathy, my son planted a wisteria on a deck deck pergola and it grew and grew and grew but never bloomed. Some 5 or 6 years later we were sitting around the cement pond and I glanced over there and OMG, it looked like hybrid purple grapes & smells like heaven and blooms later and way longer than wild wisteria and now it blooms every year. It is pruned way back each year & once it started blooming, it has every year. Good luck.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Did you buy it at a nursery or start it yourself from seed? Seed grown ones take forever before they bloom, and I've heard the blooms aren't always as good as cutting grown ones (I think most anything you buy at a nursery would have come from cuttings) They also need full sun, if the spot they're in is too shady that could be why they're not blooming. It could also be too much nitrogen--that will stimulate lots of green growth but not so many flowers (maybe try a fertilizer with a lower N number next year--I don't know if 13 is too high, but I had a wisteria at my old house and never fertilized it at all and it bloomed beautifully. Otherwise, it could be overly aggressive pruning--if you're chopping them back too hard too late in the year you could be getting rid of next year's flower buds. I would make sure when you're pruning to leave some of this year's new growth, then you should have flowers on those branches next year.

SE Arky, United States(Zone 8a)

The one my son planted was a Japanese Wisteria, and it came from a nursery. Never fertilized, gets full sun until about 4pm. It was never pruned until after it bloomed the first time and since then, it has bloomed every season, and it blooms, it seems, longer each year. Worth the wait, but he would have bought something else, had he known...

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I bought all 3 from a nursery about , well I dug them up from our old place when we moved here 8 years ago, so their old, and huge. I have to keep them cut back, I see I'lm trimming them at the right time, they should be blooming their hearts off LOL. maybe I trimmed them in the spring before they bloomed sometimes. I have seen it bloom one year and it was georgious, mom always told me the more you cut on them they didnt bloom, she had one they had to cut down because it grew over the house, and took over. I'll get a picture and post it here.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

here it is,

Thumbnail by kathy_ann

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