What smells good where you are?

Okay ... anyone had experience with these? I hope they haven't already been covered. Forgive me if they have.

Coral Springs, FL

Podster: I guess what I miss most is Redbud, Dogwood, Azalea, Camellias, tulips and iris. Having flowers year around and being able to sit by the pool and see my dozens of orchids makes up for it. We still take a trip to north Florida a couple of times in the spring to "visit" my favorite plants. We've had very little rain in the last few months. Lake Okeechobee is at an all-time low. All of the projects to "restore" the Everglades don't seem to be doing any good. Right now there are several huge fires in the Everglades that aren't helped by the drought conditions. Most of my veggies are suffering from lack of water, but the eggplants and okra just seem to thrive. All the tropical fruit trees are in bloom - looks like we'll have fruit this year for the first time. We planted most of them a year ago. My little one gallon avocado is now 15'. Really hoping to see Jade vine flowers this year.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Bocaginger ~ it sounds like you miss ALL the plants that can be grown around here. I didn't realize how far south you must be but thought Fl was a similar zone. You have my sympathy... I grew up in the north and love lilacs, peonies, lily of the valley. None of which seem to like the southern climate. Jade vine is one I never heard of... will have to check it out. Is it fragrant too?

IO1 ~ I love the fragrance of the mock orange. I don't have one and don't see them in this area. The reference book says zone 4-9 though. Are you growing them?

I've ordered 3 from Flower Scent for the front of my yard. :) Can't wait as I've never seen them, but the describtion sounds so beautiful. I'm replacing some yucky boxwoods with them. :-)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

My violas, annual and perennial, and Dianthus Bath's Pink right at the front door smell wonderful! I love going out the door:)

I ordered a small start of Mock Orange-Innocense and am looking forward to getting it.

Coral Springs, FL

Podster: Take a look at Jade Vine in the plant files - I'm dying to have mine bloom. It covers about 20 feet of a chain link fence, but still hasn't bloomed. I don't know if it is fragrant - I've only seen pictures. The vine itself is gorgeous, so the blooms which can be 5' long will be icing on the cake.
I01 - I had a mock orange outside my bedroom window when I lived in Tampa. I loved the scent. Just like driving through the orange groves in April!
We worked in the yard all day - there are several gingers blooming and the Ylang Ylang has buds - can't wait - they smell so great! Also counted 23 different orchids in bloom. The butterfly garden was just full of butterflies.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

The Jade vine is lovely. It sounds like it will take patience for the blooms. Maybe you will be able to tell us if it is fragrant before the summer is out. It wouldn't do in this climate but I will gladly admire it... pod

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

ahhhh, honeysuckle... it sooo intoxicating,, almost as good as the orange blossoms from my childhood. But alas it is so invasive..have to keep it under control... well try to.. Tea Olive took a long time to grow for me, but it is in part shade..

Ooooh, I've just received 2 ginger lilies from a DG friend. She says they smell heavenly. :) Can'tt wait for them to grow big enough to bloom. Hmmm, maybe my tea olive isn't happy with the amount of sun it's getting? I'll have to think on that.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

IO1 ~ info does call for mostly shady on the Tea Olive.
Is the ginger lily different from butterfly ginger?

I think they're the same thing.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, mine blooms later in the summer and you will love the fragrance. I would put money on it! Especially strong after dark...

Thumbnail by podster

Ooooh, I can hardly wait! LOL

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

OK, I hunted up this thread because I know many of you have fragrant blooms right now and you are out enjoying them instead of sharing with us! Fess up!

I have been savoring the Confederate jasmine for a while. The Maid of Orleans jasmine has flower buds that will be opening any day.

In the woods around me, is honeysuckle which is heavenly when I catch the fragrance in the air.

I also really love the (more purple) fragrant petunias... : ))

Thumbnail by podster

Okay, I've posted this over in the hosta forum, but this smells heavenly. :-)

Thumbnail by
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Honeysuckle is blooming around here too (I don't have any since I'm sure the ones that smell the prettiest are probably invasive!) but I enjoy smelling other people's honeysuckle as I walk my dog through the neighborhood. My Buddleja asiatica just finished blooming, it smells really, really beautiful. Confederate jasmine isn't blooming yet here but they've all got buds so I'm sure in a few weeks we'll be enjoying it too.

I was going to post a pic of the Buddleja but just realized I'm on my work laptop right now instead of my personal one that has all my pics so I'll have to come back later and add it...

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Thats' one I want to see. Does it only bloom one time a year?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Mine bloomed on and off between late fall and a couple weeks ago, I think it would have bloomed continuously through the winter if we hadn't had a spell of freezing weather in Jan. But it's not like some of the other buddlejas that will keep blooming if you deadhead them, at least not from what I've read (I just bought it last summer, so I don't have much experience with it yet). If I can get off DG and finish up the presentation I'm supposed to be working on I'll get back on my other computer and get the pic posted...but if I keep procrastinating then I may have to post it tomorrow instead!

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Ooops sorry ~ tomorrow is good. I am putting off paperwork myself... GET TO WORK! : )

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

OK, presentation's done, here's the pic of Buddleja asiatica

Thumbnail by ecrane3
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Your Buddleja is most unusual. I've seen butterfly bushes and the bloom is similar but have not seen it in white. Very pretty. Are you going to cut it back and see if it will rebloom?

IO1 ~ I have never smelled the Hosta blooms. They are pretty and I am sure that one will stand out after dark. Do they seem to be more fragrant in the dark?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

There are white cultivars of B. davidii too, it's not as fragrant, but they bloom in the summer and will rebloom if you cut them back and they're more widely available and more hardy than this one. With this one, from what I've read you are supposed to cut it back after it blooms (which I've done), but it won't bloom again, however next winter's blooms will be on whatever new growth it puts out after cutting it back. At least that's how I think it works!

~Hi Pod
Yes, I think it does smell sweeter at night. Think of a lightly scented gardenia. Ahhh, now doesn't that smell good? grin

Coral Springs, FL

Oh my, I have to get the white Buddleja - I haven't seen it here before. I hope I can find it.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I think Kartuz sells it, not sure if they have it in stock right now or not but I know I've seen it there in the past.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Scent to blooms are like icing to the cake....ahhhhh
Petunias/Stock/Nicotiana 'fragrant cloud' & Confederate Jasmine to the right

Thumbnail by Chantell
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

I love Stock! I bought a few last year, forgot to plant them...they didn't make it. I found it at HD for 94 cents each! I bought 4. Had a BBQ last weekend and someone knocked it over and broke some of the stems. I was trying not to be upset, but I really love the frangrance at night! I have right out side my back door so it is the first thing you smell. :)

Also, DH bought me a potted hyacinth and that is very frangrant. You can't even smell anything else out front! Only the blooms are too heavy or something...they are all fallen to the ground. It has water, it is getting plenty of sun, can't figure what else it could be?

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh,, I think those hyacinths in May (and Texas) are just languishing.. mine bloomed way back in early March. Spray them with some water, put them inside in the air conditioning and I bet they will perk back up. mmmm, they sure do smell good.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

My peonies are what smell best right now!!

Thumbnail by ctindell
Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Ohhhh you make me homesick! I grew up around them but they won't grow in our heat. Mother would cut large bouquets and put them all over the house. I still remember the smell when you walk in. I loved them. Very pretty!

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

bocaginger & trois ,
I have the same here .
Orange smells .
But mine is from 'mock orange' hedges .

Thumbnail by ginger749
Coral Springs, FL

I love mock orange. I used to have them outside my bedroom window - I always wanted the window open! I have plumeria in full bloom - smells lovely. My varigated ginger is also blooming. Now, if we could just get some rain - the drought is killing us.

Ginger-I love Australia. I haven't been in 12 years, but I've been there 6 times. I have an "Australian daughter" living in Melbourne. If I didn't have an older mother and grandchildren, I'd probably move there.

Brisvegas, Australia(Zone 12b)

bocaginger ,
We just love it here .
Nothing at all like Copenhagen .

Baton Rouge, LA

My everygreen wisteria is way cool when it blooms, I have it in pots on a trellis where it's not getting enough sun to bloom heavy but just enough to let me know it is there. I cant wait to put it back in the ground next year. Also I found a shrub at a business here that I had a local nursury identify but he did not carry them. It wasnt particully attractive but the fragrance was that of Honey.(Dark evergreen allternating leaves with small yellowish flowers) I thought I was standing beside a large honey comb. Before I lost the name of this magnifsant scrub I did find one large one at a small off the path nursery, however they wated $70 for it. I'll wait for a better deal someday. I will see if I can find the name again and post it later

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Lance please do. A scent of honey sounds wonderful!

DFW area, TX(Zone 8a)

This rose has an *amazing* scent that carries through the garden on a gentle breeze.

Lavender Morn, blooming this morning.

Thumbnail by Susannah_C
Cypress, TX(Zone 9a)

Lance do you have a pic of the evergreen wisteria? I'd love to see what it actually looks like. I want to get one for my future garden arbor (lol) to mix in with my future lady banksia but want more of a purple color than wine.

West Orange, NJ(Zone 6a)

My Bath Pink dianthus send out the most amazing fragrance. And of course the Shooting Star gardenia, the mints, and the oregano.
Soon the lavenders will be in bloom and that will smell wonderful in the sun.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

i love this time of year-there are so many good things to smell. Just this morning I noticed that my jasmine-'fiona sunrise' vine was blooming. Some of the jasmines are blooming-duke of tuscany, belle of india, maid of orleans, humile (italian jasmine-the yellow bloom), gardenia coronata is also blooming ( that is a great scent-one of the best), the brugs, nightblooming jasmine, and I have two different plumerias that are about to bloom.
All the gardenia bushes out in the ground are covered in blooms, and some crinums are starting to bloom. It doesn't get any better than this!! lol

Baton Rouge, LA

I found the name of the plant but had to return to the nursery where I saw it to get it. "Florida Leucothoe". As I said before I am not willing to pay $79 for it, but I asked the nursery owner if he would make me a deal. He said he had several and that they don't sell well because they are'nt attractive and don't bloom well in pots. $30 and I now own it.
Wish me luck!

Thumbnail by MaryandLance

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