New Garden Tools

Alpharetta, GA

I got a new bulb digger for Christmas, much different than any I've ever used or seen. It's similar to a post hole digger; has 2 handles that you pull apart to tighten the digger around the dirt to pull it out. Anyone ever seen or used this type? Is it easier, or better for you, than the typical round digger?

Also, I needed a new trowel to replace the one I broke digging holes for daffodils (thus the need for a bulb digger) :-). DH bought me three in varying sizes! Can anyone shed light on why I would need 3 sizes (ranging from about 2" wide to 5" wide)? Also, these all have straight wooden handles. My previousl trowel had a rubber handle with finger grooves for a better grip. Will I notice much difference with these? (DH wouldn't mind if I exchanged.)

Thanks for your help.

Powder Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

I haven't seen this new bulb digger you mentioned. Have you got a picture of it? I bought an auger years ago that you can hook to your electric drill which digs holes fast and is probably over 12 inches long! Now with cordless drills, digging holes should be very easy.

As for trowels, you can never have enough (I'm always looking for them because I forget where I left them last - garage or basement usually). I have 4 of them plus just bought my second scoop (bought the last one at Target yesterday - must be popular because I couldn't even find them at Home Depot where I bought my first one). I keep one scoop with potting soil, and the other one with Perlite.

I prefer the newer handles with soft rubber for gripping but wood is fine too. As for trowel size, I have one narrow one for small transplants, two medium ones that are great for most planting chores, and a wide one for big pots and plants. Spend a little more money on trowels so you won't have to replace them as often as you would with plastic or flimsy metal ones. I've lost a few over the years so I bought the better grade ones the last time.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I vote for auger on drill too.. i use it and love it for bulbs. Anything like a post hole digger is too much work for me.

I'm usually very frugal, but I spent the money and my best trowel is from Smith & Hawkin.


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