Thankful to have Found Daves for Georgia

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

Im new to Daves (ok, I found it a while ago but hadnt had time to look about!) and Im looking fwd to seeing what my fellow Georgians and Carolinians have to say and suggest about gardening in our fair area.
Ive been battling to garden in my heavily wooded area for some years . I'll win a round against deer, clay,shade and tree roots some day, but until then Im not willing to give up!! ( I may be willing to whine and snivel, but NOT give up completely). I'm thinking its a good thing I adore mosses. :D
I'll be eager to see what ya'll plant and scheme to plant ;) In teh meanwhile if anyone has any ideas as to how to keep tree roots out of raised beds -I'll listen intently!

Thank you for allowing me wihtin earshot! (or eyesight?)

Ninnian (in Habersham Co.)

Byron, GA

I share your problem with tree roots. Most of my plants are in large containers and I have to move the pots once or twice a year to keep the roots out. Tilling is difficult, also. The tiller just bounces around because of the large roots. I'm going to try planting some veggies in straw bales this year. The tree roots will not have time to get established in one season. There's a 4 part thread over on the Vegetable forum that has lots of info if you're interested.

I did try lining my compost bin floor with landscape material to slow the roots down. It works okay if I empty the bin at least once a year. I don't know about raised beds, however. You certainly don't want to redo those each year.


Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I have had similar problems with tree roots here in east Tx. I was amazed how quickly the roots took over my compost pile. I plant in beds and annually "raise" improve the bed by adding compost, manure and peat. I am sure it serves to benefit the trees. I also keep many plants in pots. The pots also make it easier to keep plants watered without trees for competition in summer. I will watch with hopes of some different answers. pod

but I do love the trees...

Thumbnail by podster
Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

Hiya Digs ,
We'll comiserate. I live in the forest and the Only patch of sun I have worth more than 4 hours to plant in is by the road. My Mantis tears thru an amazing assortment of roots, but I hate depriving the hickory and oaks of thier original territory,however it irks me to no end when they upsurp that which Ive newly made without really encrouching on them. Its liek they think I loosened and enriched that patch for THIER use! blast it!
I looked at the compost thread (?) and saw the mention of hay bales (I wonder how to get one of those really big half rotten round ones in my beater truck??) and it sounded FAB! I didnt know you could plant veggies in them. I was thinking only potatoes. cool!
Hey, podster, I worked in yoru fair state in Granbury twice. Pretty area.
I am toying with teh thought of making raised beds out of old tractor tires for my almond and the blueberries I'd liek to plant. I also have 2 different sources on how to make pots out of perlite and other ingrediants .One is from that Walter Reeves Ga Gardening show.. an dthe other is from a gardening mag my Mom in law gave me. Im thinking--- what if I made huge troughs? ....hmmm.
Also.. would that lanscape fabric doubled and put down in teh bottom of a regular raised bed impede root growth mabye?
Thank you both for your thoughts and the tolerance of my dyslexic typing skills! :D

Surely if we bash our heads together enough we'll come up with innovative answers... its that or someone else in teh "know" will take pity on us ;) .

New Year here I come! -- were are those catalogues?


Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Hi Ninnian, Just thought Id let you know that you are living in My ideal part of
georgia! I really would love to be there ! We try to visit at least 4 times a year! I'd give my pitiful 3 acres in exchange for an acre in beautful North Georgia!
I do have more "sun space" here but the beauty of your neck of the woods is so worth it!!

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

Im glad I bought our 12 acres here abotu 15 years ago... if I wanted it Now, Id have to sign away the rights to my only child! There are times that I think we didnt buy far enough out from Atl- but it all comes with the territory I reckon.
I'll have to go look Eatonton(It sounds so familiar) up on teh map- luckily your land is solid and I cant come down and abscond with some sunny patch ;)
What time sof year do ya'll try to make it? Can I convince you to take back some of our scenic and oh-so-veracious deer when you come next? Free!! My hosta would be in your debt forever...


Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh my !!!! How well I know, about the prices for land there! We should have bought 25 years ago when my kids were little then we could have bought several acres for just a little of nothing! Now the Same places we looked at then are out of sight! I have to say that the esthetic value of the scenery is well worth it though! I still hope to win the Georgia Lottery( LOL!!) then I intend to buy an entire Mountain!!!!! My favorite camp area is Andrews cove! You might find me there anytime from March til October!
Eatonton is great too! We dont get as rough a Winter as you do ! We are in the Foothills about 2 hours Straight down 441 ! Plenty of Red Clay and Rocks, and Cedar Trees! As far as Deer are concerned... Whooee..... I found out when I moved here from Savannah that we are one of the Few counties that have to offer DEER Clauses in our auto insurance policies!!! Reluctantly we took it out!!!! Sure enough we werent here 2 months and a deer ran out in front of my husband going to work! Good thing we had the insurance!!!!
No I cant have Hostas here either!! I however, I havent had as much trouble with deer as I have with Rabbits!!

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

ummm.. where did teh last coupel weeks go? I lost them somewhere!
We bought , oh, 15 years ago I reckon. Land was alil high it seemd, but it was low enough for us to finance 12 acres. NOW we wish we had bit the bullet and bought 24-50. Hind site , huh? Mabye I'll play teh Ga lottery... but I have no illusions on teh odds.
I think I know where Andrews cove is. Off teh Richard Russel Scenic Hwy?
I have to say, I havent ever been any farther south on 441 than Athens. I need to go roaming . Ive never been much for flat ground, but I also recognize that the flater gourn din Ga is where Im going to find better Pecan prices. LOL (yes, Im a practical thing..). They also have some nice garden areas that I havent been to wonder at.
Deer... ooooooog. This winter my new diet has given me an ample supply of citrus (boo ice!) peels to try to keep teh cats out of my few beds. Im hoping it will work on deer as well. I can hope, can't I? Not only do the deer eat my Hostas.. they also eat poisonous plants like lantana!
I think its an alien invasion under a "cute an friendly" looking guise.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh I see you've already been here- sorry! Well, welcome anyway- LOL!

Sautee Nacoochee, GA(Zone 7a)

well I never turn down a kind welcome, southerly neighbor! Thank You! :D

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