wishes from Crete to all in European forum

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Very best wishes to you all, may health and happines be with you for many years to come.

Here in Crete we are having the most dry Christmas ever with so little rain that I had to water the pots yesterday by hand. I live in the hope humanity will see the destruction coming and stop in time, but all I see around me are people thinking that global pollution is always somebody else's fault and business. May we all wake up early to this.

Many thanks to so many of you (europeans or not) who helped me in so many ways. I promise to be a better gardener and a better member of DG next year, but I must admit that classifying and labelling seeds is not my strongest characteristic....

Best wishes


Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)


Hope your weather improves and the new year brings you hope. Happy Solstice!

This message was edited Dec 25, 2006 6:46 AM

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Thank you, Dale, this is quite some card !! very beautiful !!!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Happy Xmas both

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Thank you Mike, and many wishes to you and your family

(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas Dimitry and everyone else :-)


Thumbnail by rannveig
Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Season's Greetings to Dimitri and all. Nice to hear from you again. Apart from it being dry in Crete, is it warm too?

I'm really into your method of growing basil now. I've got the third lot rooting and ready to pot up. I've given them a feed and they look nice and strong.

How do you feel Ranveig about these people in warm climates? I don't like the dull dark days, but I do like the changing seasons we get here, and I feel much more cheerful now the days have started to lengthen again even though it is only by about 10 minutes extra in the afternoon.

Thank you Dimitri and a belated but heartfelt Compliments of the Season to you too.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Hello all, thank you for all your greetings and wishes !!!

I see rannveig has made a beautiful Christmas tree this year; very well done rannveig, many happy returns !!! Which gives me an idea, to start a new thread asking everyone to show us the Chrismas tree they put up this year, and ask what they can tell us about it.

Hello Pat, temperatures here are as awkward as they could be; Until last week the lowest was 15C(59F) at daytime, with night low about 11C(52F). Last week we had quite strong north wind with low temperature, but still insignificant rain, I had to water my pots with the hose, end of December, imagine this !!! God knows what lies ahead. Yet, today was a sunny day with blue sky and not a cloud on it. Tonight the temperature is 7C(45F) and not a drop of rain, clear sky full of stars.

Best wishes, Baa; what happened with the Gate in the end? Did you buy them goats?


PS Don'f forget to show your Christmas trees and state your thoughts on the issue, please:

I'm going to purchase them on Saturday Dimitri :)

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Choose two hearty ones; you should know that goats are very cute and smart animals, much more responding and moody. They are the gardeners' worst enemies, as they climb on trees and leave nothing green wherever they can reach. They will eat even the bark out of trees and leave them to dry. On the other hand, they are really acrobatic climbers, suitable for rocky terrain and will survive the heat where sheep cannot. Their milk has a wonderful taste, makes very aromatic cheese - many more varieties than you find in the UK. Their meat tastes very much like lamb but is always less fat as they jump all over the place.

Give them goats Baa, and let's start a new round for 2007 - we will call it the Gate Herd !!!

The gifts are bought and paid for :) http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/679233/

They are: a goat, a tool kit, 30 fruit tree saplings and vegetable seeds including 2 days training.

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Many thanks for doing this for us Baa. That sounds like a good selection.

You know the spare seeds from the R.R. - have you any nearby schools, disabled centres, even prisons they could be donated to? Lots of these have gardening as part of their agenda.

Thanks Patbarr :) Thank you for your part in this too.

I've no knowledge of anywhere local that would require the seeds from last years RR. If anyone has any ideas or local worthy causes etc I'd love to hear them.

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Many thanks and many wishes to Baa who worked most for this project, and to all who participated.

From now on, you can add your statistics:
..........." of the 225,000,000 seeds produced annually, most of them are destroyed by predators, natural forces, bla bla bla, only 0.0176% germinate, AND some are donated here and there and provide money indirectly to buy cows for poor people!!!!! "



Best wishes for the new year


Thanks Dimitri, it was your great idea :)

Well done everyone!

I have a name idea for the next one if it happens, "Grow a Cow from Seed" LOL

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

OK, I'm in for the "cow from seeds". What shall we do ??

Great ideas may lie dormant even in a donkey's head. But as long as there is no hard work to materialise them, they remain just the stimulus for the donkey's melodic call. So, the congratulations go to Baa and all those who worked.

Happy new year to all


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