Conservatory vs Greenhouse

North Augusta, ON

Hey all,
I have always wanted a greenhouse, but living in Ontario it wouldn't do me any good in the winter. Hubby says that if we are going to spend money for a greenhouse we might as well go all the way and turn the front porch ( already closed in ) into a proper conservatory where I could keep my hibiscus, oleanders and now Plumerias all winter.
I would like to know if there is much difference between the two. I know the temps are different, but from what I have been reading here, a lot of you keep your greenhouses very well heated even in the winter months, therefore, would a conservatory be more economical?

Thank you,
Lee Anne

Fulton, MO

Hi Lee Anne,

Here are the differences between conservatory and greenhouse:

From The Greenhouse Expert

The Conservatory:
The well being and comfort of the people are the prime consideration
The basic purpose is the display of ornamental plants...
Some form of decorative flooring is present...
Wood and uPVC are the favourite framing materials, glazing bars are usually sturdy
A small but well-designed version is expensive

The Greenhouse:
The well-being and comfort of the plants are the prime consideration
The basic purpose is the propagation and cultivation of plants which may or may not be ornamental
Some form of practical flooring is present...
Aluminum is the favourite framing material, glazing bars are usually slender
A small but well-designed version is relatively cheap

I don't know whether these definitions will help to guide you or not. I suppose most people will build what they want or can afford, whether they call it a greenhouse or conservatory or whatever.

North Augusta, ON

I have the Greenhouse Epert...awesome book. No matter which I build, the plants would be first in importance. They are now even in my home. I arrange my rooms for the need of the plants more than the hubby, he'll tell ya...But, basically, the requirements of both are pretty much the same are they not? A place with light and heat for the growing of flowers and plants?

Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)


I'm in zone 4b and I have a greenhouse. As long as it's well indulated it's not that expensive to maintain.


North Augusta, ON

Molly, so maybe I should just turn the porch into a greenhouse? I want to use the porch since it is easy access from the house. I can barely handle taking out the dog when the temp drops to -25F (which it does here on a regular basis), never mind running out to the back yard to check on a greenhouse. I would feel safer with it close by...I tend to worry. Maybe a little pellet stove to keep the temp moderate? From what I have read of them, they do not need the expensive chimney structure of a regular wood stove.

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Which direction does the porch face? How large is it?

Is the "-25 on a regular basis" in Celsius or Fahrenheit?

North Augusta, ON

hey eggs...cute name BTW...
The porch faces west and is roughly 25 feet long and 10 feet wide, the -25 is Fahrenheit and I have seen -35 for 3 weeks straight, sometimes longer. January and February are brutal here. It has a sloping roof, so I could even put in sky lights if I wanted (on account of snow accumulation), instead of a completely glass roof.
Thank you all,

Fulton, MO

Threegardeners, a southern exposure is best but a western exposure is probably workable. Do you need the entire porch space for plants? If not, you could "greenhouse" the southern end of the porch. It will be important to insulate the north end as much as possible. What kind of flooring do you have?

Can you post some pics?


Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Get outta my head SB! =)

North Augusta, ON

hey SB and eggs,
The north end is only 10 feet wide, overlooks the pond. It runs 25 feet the length of the front of the house, running north to south, and is 10 feet deep. The floor is plywood covered with indoor/outdoor carpet. The porch is off the ground about 3 feet. There was a set of cement steps there at one time, coming in the front door, and somebody built the porch over top of these. So we can sit in the porch and look out, but people walking by can not see up into it. I'll see if I have some kind of a pic maybe. The pic I posted is the best one I have, It looks into the porch from the south, looking the full length of it to the north.

Thumbnail by threegardeners

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