cats claw seeds

Casa Grande, AZ(Zone 9b)

Has anyone tried to plant cats claw vine from seed? I bought some from a dealer in South America. Pretty small seeds. I planted about 20 in peat pots but didnt cover them. Put them on a heat mat but have no Idea how long germination is., any help?

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

I can't answer your question, sorry, but want to clarify, you're TRYING to grow cats claw? Most people I know that have it are trying to get rid of it :-(

Casa Grande, AZ(Zone 9b)

I know it can be invasive but I have a neighbor lady who has some growing up her carport and it really is nice. Besides, I live waay out in the pucker brush so it wont bother anyone but me

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)


I demand you prove your bigger....LOL

Just pulling your leg.

P aka bigred

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

LOL Bigred!

I would think if your neighbor has it then couldn't you find seedlings in her yard to transplant or try to root some cuttings, would be easier and quicker I would think. But then I'm just saying that because I don't have a clue how to help you wih germination ;) Good Luck!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If it's invasive then I still wouldn't plant it even if you live in the middle of nowhere--invasive plants cause big problems when they spread into natural areas. On the other hand, if it's just a garden thug that grows uncontrollably but doesn't cause harm by spreading into natural areas, then go for it if you want it!

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

My impression is more the damage it's "claws" cause that make it so undesirable to homeowners. It's very damaging to structures, and once it's there, it ain't leaving. I have new neighbors that came from another state and a good chunk of their house was covered in this vine, they were not happy when they realized what sort of thing it was and then it HAD to go. They're trying and trying, it's not looking terribly successful though, and of course the hard part is getting rid of it without pulling the stucco down. It even has anchors in the attics I believe..

Casa Grande, AZ(Zone 9b)

HOLY COW! all of this scares me and I thought I was fearless. good to know that is truely invasive. Ill try something else. what I want is somedifferent vines to cover a 6 ft chain link fense around my 5 acre farm. I have some passion flower in the greenhouse what else do you recommend? and bigred, if your bigger than 6 ft-288#, then YOUR bigger.

Mesa, AZ(Zone 9b)

Hmmmmmm, so many vines are available to us here in AZ, passion vines are great, though. Here's a link to a thread that might offer other suggestions. It's from the SW forum

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