Chrysanthemum seeds?

Madison, AL

Years ago when I started gardening I planted several different types of chrysanthemums from seed. Later I drifted away from them. Then I got interested again and started looking for them. After a couple of years of casual looking and then focused searching, I have discovered that I can't find chrysanthemum seeds from the standard vendors, like Burpee and Park. Does anyone know why these are no longer common and can anyone suggest a source? There used to be several types available, like football mums, spider mums, etc. What has happened to these?

Greensboro, AL

They might show up later. Usually T&M has mixed decorative and exhibition types.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might try posting this on the Perennials forum instead--you'll probably find a lot more people over there who grow them and they may know of some other sources too.

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