Fern ID

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have a clue to what the name of this fern is? I have many, many Christmas ferns. While out taking pictures I came across one that is definitely not a Christmas fern!

Any suggestions as to what type it may be?

Thumbnail by music2keep
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Another shot...

Thumbnail by music2keep
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

OK, I'm looking at Dryopteris intermedia at the moment as a possibility for your fern. Still researching, though.

Take a look at this entry and examine your fern closely to compare and deny or confirm the ID:


Question: Is this fern fairly isolated from other ferns that are similar in form and height? If not, how many of those present are quite similar to your mystery fern and are ferns that are not known to you? (I'm looking at the possibility of it being a natural hybrid.)


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Robert, I'm thinking that this may be the one! Did you see my pic on the other thread? Dryopteris intermedia may be it! There are actually 2 of them & they are not close to each other or close to the Christmas ferns. (same area, but not close) All of my ferns are on 1 acre.
1 question, tho...What is monomorphic? The Oxford Dictionary is not cooperating.
This is a closer view....what do you think?

Thumbnail by music2keep
Las Cruces, NM

"Mono" is "one", "morph" is "form", so "one-formed"; in this case: with the leaves all alike, rather than in two distinct forms (which would be dimorphic).

Patrick Alexander

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Thanx Patrick. I think I'll have to delve more into plant biology! :D

A pic of the whole fern...

Thumbnail by music2keep
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Well, Joey, I just can't be sure on this one....

Try to check out the finer details tomorrow. Maybe cut the frond crosswise and compare to the pic @ Hardyfernlibrary.

I'll kepe looking here.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Ok, Robert. will do!
I appreciate all your help. I like to know everything that I have on my little acre. :D

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Robert! I'mmm Baaack!

I'm not too sure about this...maybe you can figure it out. I only see 3 vascular bundles, but am not totally sure. There may be a 4th one. Please look & tell me what you think. The stem was rather pithy.

Thumbnail by music2keep
Las Cruces, NM

BTW, now that I go check, looks like if this is one of the native US species it's definitely Dryopteris intermedia. Keys out to that species in the Flora of North America, and looks like the ones I've seen. If it's an exotic species... well, I don't know.

I'm not sure how the petiole vascular bundles fit in with all this, though. I haven't heard of or tried IDing Dryopteris from vascular bundles.

Patrick Alexander

Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Paalexan, this is a Native fern. I have found it growning wild on my one acre along with many, many Christmas ferns. In the link that Robert posted it would have 5 vascular bundles & I can only see 3 (maybe 4) planely.

Here's a pic of a small frond that has recently come into view.

Thumbnail by music2keep
Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

The larger fronds are loaded with sori...

Thumbnail by music2keep
Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

It seems to be D. intermedia to me looking at the sori.

Case closed?


Las Cruces, NM

"Paalexan, this is a Native fern. I have found it growning wild on my one acre along with many, many Christmas ferns. In the link that Robert posted it would have 5 vascular bundles & I can only see 3 (maybe 4) planely."

If it's native it's gotta be Dryopteris intermedia.

That link also said something to the effect that some of the vascular bundles may end partway up the "stipe" (a.k.a. petiole), so that you might only see three further up. More generally, I'm not sure if the number of vascular bundles would be an identifying feature of Dryopteris intermedia as compared to similar members of Dryopteris...

Patrick Alexander

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

My post about checking the cross-section is above on 12/19, but I didn't say anything about the number of bundles......but on the page at hardyfernslibrary, it is mentioned that five bundles can be seen at the base of the stipe.


Peterstown, WV(Zone 6a)

Thanx Robert & Patrick. I appreciate all your time & effort.
D. intermedia it is.

Have a Great & Safe Holiday ! :D


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