Cerastium Tomentosum aka Snow in Summer love it or hate it?

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

What is your experience with Snow in Summer? I have been considering adding it to the area in front of hostas that gets sun all day long. Does it spread as badly as other have said? Does it look bad in the hot summer heat? How does it behave in your garden? Please included pictures would love to see how you have used it. This is a photo of the area I'm thinking about. http://davesgarden.com/journal/ed/viewimage.php?did=15487

Sedalia, MO

Is this what you are talking aboute? If so I have always known it by snow on the mt. If so I love it but I don't like the ground cover as it is very invasive and you can't get rid of it.

Thumbnail by allysgram
Las Cruces, NM

Snow on the Mountain is Euphorbia marginata, no relation to Cerastium tomentosum despite the common names, for what it's worth.

I don't really know anything about Cerastium tomentosum, though.

Patrick Alexander

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/728/index.html This is a link to Plantfiles for snow in summer.

Sedalia, MO

sorry, I should have looked instead of going by name, sometimes my brain is on vacation, just a senior moment I guess.LOL

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

No, Thank you! I need any help and the bump up was good!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I have Snow on the Mountain too and love it. I knew it was a euphorbia. Be very careful about getting any of the 'sap' from any euphorbia in your eyes, mouth, etc. as it is very toxic affecting mostly the central nervous system and can cause blindness as well.

Atchison, KS(Zone 5b)

I personally love Snow in summer! Mikey

Lawrence, KS

From Lawrence, KS
I have a large area (4'x12') in part shade dedicated to Cerastium. It was planted 15 years ago and spread. But the silver ground cover contrasts beautifully with the Henry's garnet sweetspire planted behind it. Cerastium is hard to 'herd'. Sometimes it dies back, sometimes it creeps into the shrubs. But it's easy to pull up and doesn't bother me. When it blooms, it's spectacular. I have alliums planted under the cerastium as well as miniature roses. I do need to re-evaluate these plantings as they don't give me the effect I'm looking for. But I'll keep the cerastium as background.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Where do you find seeds for this snow in summer. Is it a annual. I am looking for small plants to mix in with my Mini Hosta in pots. This sort of looks like what I want.

Wichita, KS(Zone 6a)

Oz - Swallowtail Garden Seeds http://www.swallowtailgardenseeds.com/perennials/snowinsummer.html

It is my understanding that it is a perennial - hardy to zone 3. I too wanted to add it to an area in front of some hosta that get to much sun. They sent me more seeds(750) than I can ever do anything with I would love to send some to you. Just said the word. Just a little concerned that it might take over the hostas, I want it as an underplating to the hostas not the main show.

Mryctry - so you have no problem with bulbs coming up through it? That's great! thanks for the info.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

ghia_girl, if you have any seeds left over to share I think I would love to have some. I have at least an acre of yarden and plants like this would help to fill in areas between plants in the 20+ beds. I'll pay postage or send sase. I love lamiums but have a hard time keeping them going. I still working at getting vina minor(periwinkle)and gill over the ground going in some places. In other places gog is getting too thick and I have to remove some so it doesn't smother out over plants. GOG is a good natural insect repellent.

Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

I found snow in summer seeds at Lowe's the other day in Springfield, MO. Check your Lowe's. If you can't find it, I can go back and get more and send them out.

Lawrence, KS


I have no problems with anything coming up through the cerastium. I've tried dwarf zinnias and other annuals, but I want to make it a perennial bed. The alliums are early and die back leaving a rather large opportunity for a low (12") growing perennial. It's in part shade - any suggestions?

Lawrence, KS

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