Weight Loss Challange Dec. 17th to Dec 23

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Chuck and Vic, those losses are awsome! Good food choices and exercise do make a big difference in the success of our weight loss efforts.

I'm sorry to say that all the lack of physical activity for the past 3 weeks has caused me to gain back 3# . Not surprised, but not happy about it either. I have been trying hard to make right choices but when cakes, chips, etc. are in front of you all the time it is hard for a carbaholic to not eat them. So I did. LOL Now that it is going to be down to just our oldest DD and I until she decides to go home it should be better. She is a big salad eater and I will follow suit for the most part. We do eat some meats but not a lot. The 3 oz. servings are plenty for both of us.

The weather is nice. A bit nippy I suppose, but one still could work outside in a long sleeve shirt and light jacket. I may get some outside work done this next week if the weather holds. That will feel so good. There is so much to do out there and my body literally aches for some activity.

Our middle son, the first child Jack and I had together, is suppose to come out for breakfast this morning before leaving for hom in TN. It has been so good to see him again. It has been 18 years since all the children have been together and about 10 since Jack & I have seen him. Hopefully it won't be that long again.

I guess I need to get moving so we can eat breakfast with Byron when he gets here, get Cherish on her way home, and then get ready for church. I kept telling people yesterday that I would see them on Sunday, then it dawned on me that Sunday was tomorrow(today)! No reason to not go and many for going. Including getting our little 3 year old grandson in church since his parents don't go. He also needs the socialization. Such an overworked work.

GOD bless and keep each and all of you.

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