Transplanting blueberries

Brookline, MA(Zone 6a)

My wife reminded me this afternoon that we (I) had planned to move the three blueberry bushes from the front of the house to the back. Given the warm weather so far this December in the northeast I am curious about opinions for moving the bushes tomorrrow. I have had them for a couple of years and they have survived in the front of the house but haven't grown or yielded much. So, move tomorrow or wait until spring? I'll post this question in a couple of other spots and will share answers if anyone is interested.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I would wait until the spring but I really don't know your true area. But the bushes are dormant but you do get some horrible freezing weather there so.................

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

I would wait until spring in your area as well; too cold, even if mild. I'm interested in the answers you got elsewhere and what you did.

I think blueberries take three years to really do the fruit thing, if you pinch them the first two.

Brookline, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for asking. The weather here has remained mild. We have had the last 19 days above average by a great margin. I did more reading, and with the advice of other Dave's members learned that they can be transplanted in all but the summer months. So I went ahead and did the transplanting on the 17th and the plants look very good, and I think look "happier" (if a plant can look happy). A little wet weather didn't hurt either. I took the advice of one member and mulched extensively. I had the plants for two years in the front of the house and they survived but didn't appear interested in getting any bigger or in giving me many blueberries. This year I'll pinch the flowers and plant a second variety to aid in pollination. Maybe I'll have blueberries to eat in 2008 or 2009.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Plants can look happy.
I hope you get lots! I planted 20 bushes, half last late winter and half the fall before. They seemed to be thriving - then my dogs decided it was great fun to dig up and play with the drip hoses while I was away in September.

I moved four to a dog-safe area, and might have another four left. I've not been able to face the redo, as they are on a hillside and playing goat is not something I wanted to do again except to harvest. Ah well...maybe those two batches of four will give me enough berries.

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