Lilium catesbaei seeds?

Ottawa Lake, MI(Zone 6a)


Does anyone have seeds of Pine Lily (Lilium catesbaei) that they'd be willing to trade?

God bless,

This message was edited Dec 10, 2006 8:52 PM

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Jeff ~ How you doing? I was thinking about you today, wondered if you are interested in any seeds from St Andrews cross? The seeds can be harvested shortly, PLMK pod

Ottawa Lake, MI(Zone 6a)

Hi Pod,

I'm well... how are you?

Sure! It'd probably go well with the other St. Johnsworts I have... thanks!

I'd really probably be interested in any wildflower you can get, except those I already have. I'm a wildflower junkie! :)

Thanks much!
Talk soon,
God bless,

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Done! I think I still have you address in my Dmail. When harvested, I'll send them. pod

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