Pinguicula Primuliflora Dormancy

Waterbury, CT

My Pinguicula Primuliflora is sending up flower shoots. I would have thought it would have stayed in dormancy longer. It's been in the garage in a north window. It was outside till October in zone 5/6 before it was brought in before the first hard frost.

Should I clip off the flowers and leave it in the cold garage or is it telling me it wants to go on a sunny windowsill and it's done with dormancy?


Thumbnail by CTMGGardener

I'd leave it outside for a while longer. That plant could use around 3-4 months of temps at or below 50F. I don't even think it has entered dormancy yet. Dormancy is triggered by cooler temps and reduced light (reduced photoperiod). Leave it out there for a few more months if you can stand it. It's hard.

Waterbury, CT

In the garage it'll stay. Thanks Equilibrium.

On this particular species, I've noticed that it doesn't form non-carnivorous leaves however the leaves curl/fold in even more so than they normally do during dormancy. I suspect this curling/folding in is normal so don't panic.

Cut back on your water,

Best wishes to you.

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