Bend at the poll

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Boy was I surprised last night. Put my new surcingle on Romeo, put Chewie's french link snaffle on him (he's been in a tom thumb w/curb because he's a fan of a loose rein).

Put him out on a longe line, expecting a hissy fit, and I got the opposite. That little man longes, too! I figured, for the little I paid, his lack of balance & bend, that he'd freak out on the line, and have no idea what to do. He trotted off from me, (no bit contact at this point), cantered along, and when I said, "whoa", he slammed on the brakes and turned to face me. :) It was like a Clinton Anderson show on longing a horse. :) How funny!

Added the side reins & a little contact, and he sure did drop his neck down, but he won't bend at the poll. How can I help him learn what to do? Based on the time we've spent together, I don't think this is an issue of defiance. When I put him in the tom thumb & curb chain, from the walk, he'll stop, bend at the poll, & back up, still flexed. He'll flex side to side, but not always tucking like I think he should.

So, all you experts, how do I teach it? It may be that he hasn't ever been ridden without a curb chain of some sort, so he doesn't understand bit pressure as opposed to curb pressure... I'm not sure.

I'm still quite pleased to see he longes! :) Everytime I try something new with him I'm surprised that he's alwasy had at least a little experience.

In a training class at work all day, so don't get your mane in a knot if I don't answer...

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