are there greenhouses in NY that will take plants for winter

Brooklyn, NY

I have some tropical plants (small citrus trees in a pot) that are in my living room but it would make my wife and the plants much happier if there was a greenhouse in the NY area that I could store them in during the winter. Anyone know of any greenhouses that offer such a service?

Columbus, OH

Yeah! Coming soon to your backyard! Get busy man! Think how happy you'd both be then.

Brooklyn, NY

ohiojay- have u ever seen a brooklyn backyard-
its about the size of a human toe

Columbus, OH

It's early in the day yet...but that's got to be the funniest thing I've heard today! That's rough. But seriously...I believe that even if you did find a place to keep them over winter, transporting your plants will eventually get to be very difficult. Yer probably better off just keeping them home in a nice sunny window if possible. Just my two cents.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Heres a list, I dont know if its much help but you can always call and see if any of them know of a place that can do this for you.

P.S.-sounds like the backyard of a Baltimore, Md. rowhouse. I looked at one once and I think the only way you could be comfortable in one of those would be if your body never grew after the age of 12.

Brooklyn, NY

many thanks draven- will get calling.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

hopefuly someone will stop by with some more/better ideas but, your very welcome

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

gg - do you really need a greenhouse? how about a grow light or two?

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