tom thumb lettuce and

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

viroflay spinach. i would like to try these two next season. the lettuce is described as a little butterhead good for individual servings. the spinach grows to 2 feet tall.

has anyone tried to grow these types before and how were they. also can i plant them in containers that are about 7 inches deep but very big around. the packages say to start the seeds outdoors about 6 to 8 weeks before my last frost date or 4 to 6 weeks indoors before planting in garden. i want to sow direct into the containers and since my last frost date is may 15th i should be planting about march 15th. the package recommends soil temp. at time of planting should be 50 to 80 degrees. the spinach seems to have the same planting instructions.

appreciate any comments on thse two.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Should work. The problem with direct sowing is that you will have to thin to get proper spacing. Crowding is the quickest way to get poor results. Have an extra container available for the surplus plants. Both transplant well.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

ya know, i never thought of transplanting. i used to just throw them out. do you think i would be bettter off starting them indoors?? if i do, and my last frost date is may 15th, what time should i put them out ??

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

I've grown Tom Thumb and it's a nice little butterhead lettuce.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

ld - thanks. i an't wait to try them. do you plant direct outdoors or do you start your seeds indoors??

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

Started indoors about a month or so before transplanting into the garden.
Good luck, Herbie

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I've grown both, I started the Tom Thumb lettuce in flats and transplanted them, they did fine. I must tell you I was disappointed for all the time and effort involved to get such a tiny end result. I know that's what it is, and it's what I thought I wanted, but fr me, it seems more sensible to grow a standard size, doesn't take up that much more room. But go for it and see how you like it.
As for the Viroflay, it didn't do as well, I also flat started it and transplanted it. Not sure why it didn't thrive but there's no reason it wouldn't do just fine for you. Farmerdill is right, as always, neither will do well if crowded and need to either be thinned or transplanted to recommended spacing. Good luck.
It's been so warm here I keep thinking it's time to put in the early spring crops but that's going to change by the end of the week.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

maybe i will just try it both ways, direct and transplant and see which does better. thanks

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