Please id this vine

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

I saw this vine in San Francisco last week. It must be quite old as the stem was at least 2" in diameter and very 'woody'. I was not able to acertain if it was fragrant as it was fairly tall, winding in and out of 1/2" metal vertical spokes. I thought it was a Lonichera, but obvious this is not so. Any help will be welcome. Thanks.

Thumbnail by bedouin
Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)



Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks for replying Larkie. I thought it was a honeysuckle (lonichera) as well, but the flower is at least 6-8" long. I've never seen any honeysuckle that long! I'd love to id it as I picked up a couple of seeds!

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

You might try posting this in the ID forum too... I know there are a few other people from the SF Bay Area who hang out over there from time to time and might know what this is. Where did you see it? Was it in someone's yard or a public space, or was it at Strybing (the botanical garden)? That could help figure out what it might be, if it was at the botanical garden it could be something weird but if it was somewhere else then it's probably not that uncommon. (It does look like a Lonicera, and I've seen some with pretty large flowers...not quite that big but I'm not familiar with that many of them so I wouldn't be surpised if it was one)

Lonicera hildebrandiana, Giant Burmese Honeysuckle. Big, rampant, fragrant, flower color deepens as they age.

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks everyone. Yes it is a Lonicera hildebrandiana, Giant Burmese Honeysuckle, roughbark. I could not believe the size if the flower! Now to see if my gardening chums and I can get the seeds to grow.

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