Periennials just picked

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

I have been out and picked these from my back garden. Carnations, scabious, geraniums, cineraria, felicia, chrysanthemum. They looked so pretty i thought you Northern Hemisphere gardeners would enjoy seeing them.

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

another view

Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

last one. It would be neat to see any other pics of your perennials in a vase. . I know it is your winter but if nothing out there in bloom, maybe you did the same in your summer?

Thumbnail by ferrymead
Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

How lovely! Thanks for the peek at summer, just what the DR ordered!

Madison, WI

What a burst of color! And we are expecting snow on Thursday :)

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Eswa,I enjoy looking at the summer pics in our winter, they do brighten my days.

Enya, I wouldn't be surrpised if we got some snow!!! The weather here has been so changeable in the last few weeks, lots of rain, gale winds, thunderstorms, interspersed with a few sunny days. Yesterday, all the hial cannons in the nearby apple orchars stated booming out but luckily no hail arrived, well, not on my garden anyway.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Absolutly gorgeous!! Now that's some gardening ferrymead! I love to have so many different flowers that I can do that throughout the Summer. Yes we love that you shared the beautiful arrangement you put together. I can smell it from here.......very nice!

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

It is so interesting to see the places where you all live. I ggogled Madison, the State capital building is so impressive.

In Haydenville I scanned thru the real estate ads and saw the Greek revival home tha was owned by the man after whom the town was called. (Well, I guess so as his namee was Hayden)
Lots to see in the Fort Worth site, the water gardens looked very different and must be such a cool spot to visit. But oh, how very flat the area is, one can see for meals, so different to our country as we do have lots of hills and mountains.
Thanks for the trip around your country.

Madison, WI

Madison is a nice city to live in, but for the winter. Actually, I like the seasons and winter would be OK, but it lasts 6 months out of the year. What gets me most is that even mid-April is an iffy time for planting. I have to read about people planting for two months before I can get my hands dirty :)

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Sure can believe that you enjoy the seasonal changes, it must be so wonderful when you can at last start your plantings after that long period of frustration.

But think how boring it must be to live in a tropical country and the only difference is enduring the wet season!. Lol.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Tess~ Your right it is rather flat over here, but not to far away there are some good sized mountains.. Next time Im out a ways, I will take some pictures on a 10 mile visibility day so you can see the flatness Fort Worth.
The Water Gardens were put up in about 1978 I think, we went there a lot.. I favored the high plateaus from where you could see over the city. It never was much for plants though, mostly concrete/pebble structures. Kinda dangerous too. A few years ago some kids fell in to one of the main water pools and were pulled down to the bottom. I think one adult and 2 kids...very sad incident. I like the more natural attractions, like Botanical Gardens, etc.

I would love to see NZ!


nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Deb, The photo of the water gardens on the web site did show big concrete blocks and gushing water, plenty of water but no plats. It did look rather dangerous, so sad about the loss of life.
Send me a dmail if you get the pic of the 10 mile vista!. I grew up in the Canterbury region of the South Island and that is a very large plain surrounded by mountains.

I have pasted a web site of images of the area we now live in. Not sure if it will work as it looks such a long address. I just googled Nelson, New Zealand on images and that site came up. It does show some lovely scenery. If you are interested have a look.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful Country Tess! Thanks for sharing!

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful arrangements!

nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Well, that arrangement turned out better than one I did on Wednesday. This plant which I think is called Lion's Tail would I thought look good in a vase and so it did for about an hour and then the leaves all started to droop!! Lol
I might try again but cut off all the leaves.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, this is just great! I can go from 'zone envy' to 'hemisphere envy' all in one day here at DG! LOL!

Ferry, Those are fantastic! I shall make a list of the ones I don't have to add to my list of things to definitely sow this spring -- are they all long lasting cut flowers?

How hardy is cineraria? Is it hard to grow? Would it bloom from seed in one season? Enquiring minds want to know! Anybody in the US grow it? I want some!


nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

Hi Suzy, Your questions had me thining hard, hard to grow? Not here, in fact, I don't know how it turned up in my garden, I didn't plant it but think it came with another plant that I bought at our garden club. It just suddently appeared much to my delight. I know it needs to grow in part or full shade. I looked up my gardening book and yes, it can be grown from seed. I think it must have flowered from seed in one season as they suddenly appeared in three different coloours.
One has just finished flowering but this is the second one.

Daves garden files gave me this one on information. Seems that your zone would be o.k.


Thumbnail by ferrymead
nelson, New Zealand(Zone 9a)

And this is the one I love the most. They are all growing in shady spots but they do get a little sunshine. Give it a try, they are just beautiful.

When I took the photo 5 minutes ago i see that it has seed heads on it so I will take some and try from seed myself.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2006 3:39 AM

Thumbnail by ferrymead

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