Any bonsai growers out there?

Cordele, GA

Is anyone here interested in bonsai? I like to look at them but don't want to grow them. What I am interested in is kusa mono plantings.


Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Beth, I sent you a dmail some time ago about my attempt at bonsai.......

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have a nice little "maple forest" in a bonsai pot. I decided not to buy and kill anymore lovely bonsai-ed plants so I grew my own by collecting maple seedlings (I get millions each spring) and planting them in a bonsai dish. It has been about 4 or 5 years nows and they are just beautiful. I followed the instructions to cut each leaf in half in the spring - an interesting zen like thing - and eventually the leaves became smaller... I will need to put it in a larger pot next year. This pot is about 9" long. I still have to cut a few leaves that still want to grow big. But hey! This is free bonsai!

I had never heard of kusa mono - grass - bonsai!

Thumbnail by sterhill
Cordele, GA

The accent plants that accompany bonsai are fascinating. I got hooked on the pots first Check this site out , I love the organic qualities of his pots.

The accent plants appear to be more appreciated in Europe than here in the USA. All I have seen at shows have been the miniature hostas. The photos from European shows and growers record an amazing variety of plants.`There seems to be a division at the shows for the accent plants alone. And none of the wiring of limbs with its attendant problems if, like me, you don't remove the wire soon enough, and scar the bark.

I can appreciate all bonsai, but I want to grow kusa mono.


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