This is a really neat site for a basic list for one's state-

And, it even shows up some of the naturalized nasties in red-

Definitely not all that comprehensive but it sure is a bang up start.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

A pretty good starting list for Minnesota. Only minor infractions that can be explained by how they arrive at their compilation, except . . . . does anyone else have Oriental Bittersweet(Celastrus orbiculatus) listed as a native?

Hadn't realize Aronia was changed to Photinia. I gotta get with the times!

Ouch, that's actually a big boo boo. That Asiatic/Oriental Bittersweet is not only formally listed as an exotic invasive species but also as a noxious weed. I bet this is the type of site where they could be contacted and the little error could be pointed out to them and they'd correct it. Appears they put the wrong symbol in front of that one.

Yup, Aronia was changed to Photinia a while ago. Lots of people out there still referring to Chokeberry as Aronia arbutifolia instead of Photinia floribunda. Those taxonomists!

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

There is an email address to do just that. So I did. I'm sure it was just a slip up.

Madison, WI

Thank you for the link. Nice search options.

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