Off to my first lesson

On the banks of the , VA(Zone 7a)

I am on my way to the local BC guy for my first ever lesson, with their 10 yo ex-trial dog.

Wish me luck!

Btw, the first lesson I GAVE yesterday went ok, too. She was pretty nervous once we got her up but after a few practice "give to go, pull to whoas" I got her comfy enough on Stupid Mare to let her go for a trail ride with Paul and Maeve.

They were given strict instructions to box her in at all times and I fitted her helmet and tack myself. (Although Paul, how sweet is this, checked the girth like 25 times.)

Anyway that went well, I am hoping this does too.

This is Handsome Prince sleeping on one of our on-again/off again students in the in gate.

Thumbnail by luna_baby
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