South Six Bug

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Meet South Six Bug . . . aka Sixer.

A while back someone on here saw a photo of a little colt I had here for a while and suggested that I put a few images of him over here on this forum. Since he's not actually my horse, I can't answer a lot of questions about him, but since I think he's such a pretty little rascal I thought I'd share a few photos with ya'll :)

His mother is my sister-in-law's old barrel horse. A few months after they had her bred to a stud up near Dallas (at the time) my brother and his wife had to go to Florida on business for several months. I offered to keep the mare at my place and let her have the colt here while they were away.

Of course they picked the pair up when they returned home, so there's a gap in the photos from after about a couple months old until recently when I took my camera over to their place and got some current pictures of Sixer. He's about 18 months old now.

Hope ya'll enjoy these and have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone :)

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